Time for Kelli's Show and Tell. I'm still mixed up on the days and forgot it's time for S&T! I don't have time to take pictures of what I had planned to share, so I'm going to show something I didn't get to show before Christmas. This is a Christmas gift I received from one of my daughter's last year! It's Old Country Roses Christmas china. I like to collect a piece of each new design they come out with for Christmas. The pieces always coordinate with my regular OCR china. I like this design because it has ornaments among the roses, but it doesn't look real Christmasy and I can display it in the china cabinet all year. I was very happy to receive these two pieces! Thanks, again, Ashleigh!
Thank you for your interest, please leave a comment! And please do return soon!
It's a beautiful set! How neat that the different pieces coordinate.
How absolutly beautiful!
They're gorgeous! What a wonderful gift!
Cathy :)
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh pretty, pretty, PRETTY!!!
Love this show n tell. And I love the name of the china....old country roses christmas....
Beautiful as always!!
What a wonderful collection!
Those are beautiful. I would love to see the others you have.
They are really very pretty ! Such a nice gift for you !
Beautiful! You have a very thoughtul daughter. By the way, I love the spelling of her name.
What a very lovely set! I love the vibrant colors. :)
What lovely pieces. I love china.
Those pieces are beautiful. What a fun collection you must have. My china is a Royal Albert pattern (moss rose) Blessings on the New Year to you and yours...
Those are very pretty! I have something similar that were passed down from my grama.
Katherine, very nice China pattern! Great photo too! Did you do the background with Photoshop? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Here's the link for my first Show and Tell: Answers to the Questions
Beautiful and how wonderful that it matches with all the others..time for a Tea Party?
Just beautiful, Katherine. And I also think they can be used year round. :)
Hi Katherine,
Thank you for visiting me today and leaving a nice comment. You are right - my Mom's ring is priceless to me.
I like the look on your blog site. I just wish I was that creative. I've only been blogging since the first of November, 2007, so I'm still learning.
I love the china your daughter got for you. It's beautiful.
It looks wonderful indeed, Katherine and I am sure it will look even better in your china cabinet (how great to have a cabinet full of precious china!!!)
I love the name, too: "Old Country Roses Christmas china", it sounds very romantically!
Have a great week-end!
Best wishes from Germany, Anita
That china set is BEATIFUL! What a sweet gift! Love, Esther
Very pretty! Thanks for sharing! I don't have these pieces in my tea collection, but I do have Old Country Roses.
HAPPY 2008!
Such a gorgeous and thoughtful gift!!
hoganfe handbags
Beautiful china and so nice for Christmas. Sorry I'm late in commenting but Blogger wouldn't let me add a comment earlier.
It's lovely, Katherine! Old Country Roses is my mom's favorite china pattern. :0)
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