
Our Pets

I'm a little late, but I wanted to join Gattina with sharing our pets. We don't have a pet now since our beloved Dody died last July, but here's a great photo of him with Big Joe! They were best buddies!

We have four granddogs that I'll share photos with our two youngest grandchildren.
Above is Caden with his dog Grady (and his Daddy, Shawn)

Elisabeth hugging her dog, Scotty. Below is another picture of her with Scotty since he is so black and doesn't show up on the dark sofa!

Above are two pictures of Elisabeth sitting on Charcoal, and using him for a pillow. Charcoal is a big lab-mix, he is very gentle and lets her do whatever she wants with him!

I have more pictures of Elisabeth with her dogs, because we babysat her last weekend (in Orlando) and took all these! Caden and Elisabeth are both 17 months old (two weeks apart!)

We also have another granddog - Mackenzie, she's a cockerpoo, also black. She lives in Tallahassee, FL. Since my computer crashed, I don't have any pictures of her.

I hope you enjoyed our "dog show," please leave a comment! And please do return soon!

Hootin Anni and Nanny Kim also have their pets featured.



Ingrid said...

What a cute little doggy Dodi was ! Aren't you ready yet to take a new one ?

nannykim said...

Such cute doggies!! I love Grady--looks so sweet. The lab mix dog looks amazingly content with a child sitting on top!! That is what is so nice about labs. Dodi is like a westie my sis used to have---that dog was so fiesty!! Thanks for sharing all those cute pics, and of course your grand kiddies are adorable. ps my husband loves Scotties.

Alice said...

What sweet granddogs you have, so gentle with the little ones.

Our Annie died last May. My husband and I enjoy so much having a dog in the family that we didn't wait long before adding another. We'd already reserved a pup from a litter not yet born when we were asked to take a bulldog that wasn't fitting well into his family. All I can say is that it is a good thing we have a king-size bed.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful pets! I especially love the picture of Elisabeth using Charcoal as a pillow. Labs are the best dogs for children. So sweet and gentle around them.

We lost our beloved Abby last April and we STILL miss her so much.

Lallee said...

It was such fun seeing the family pets. You know I'm partial to Scotties and Labs, so this was right up my alley. I love Elizabeth sitting on Charcoal. Labs are so great with children.

Betty said...


You have precious grandchildren and grand pets......

Can you believe our weather? Back in the 70's now.....

Thanks for the visit and please come again......Betty

Kelli said...

Awww..what sweet pictures of your grandchildren and doggies! I would love a Scottie someday..so cute!

Cathy said...

Aren't dogs just wonderful! I miss my big Rosy dog, but haven't gotten another one. They are quite an expense for me, and it's so very sad when something happens to them. I just enjoy my daughter's dogs and the neighbor's.