My husband, Joe and I try to take a walk daily when the weather cooperates, and if we have time, we walk about an hour. Come along with us and see what we see along the way. This is where we start in our neighborhood, above is the Clubhouse, there's a restaurant and golf pro shop inside. It overlooks the river behind it, which is the intercoastal waterway, which runs parallel to the ocean.

This is a gazebo behind the clubhouse, going out to the river.

We can walk to the left on this trail (above) or to the right on the boardwalk (below)

This day we choose to go left (below)

(Above) View of the golf course from the trail.

There are many beautiful mansions along the trail, such as above, and below:

Unusual plants are used in the landscaping (above and below)

Below, another pier on the water, this one is about half-way on our walk.

View of the river from the pier:
View to the left below:

View to the right, below:

Across from the pier is a gazebo which is another entryway to the walking area.

The gazebo from the other side:

Other private boat piers, below:

(For my Canadian friends, can you see the flag?)

More plants, the cactus on the right has fruit on it. The fruit can be harvested and jelly can be made from it.
I hope you enjoyed going along on our walk with us! There are many people walking their dogs, riding their bikes, or jogging along the way. It is a very pleasant place to walk!
(Note) No, we don't live in the expensive homes on the river, but it's a fun place to take a walk!
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