The last time I visited my friend Lynn, she asked me to help her re-do the tops of her kitchen cabinets. We only had a few hours, but did finish the tops. Here's what we did to the kitchen!
Top of kitchen cabinets,
Left side BEFORE:
Left side AFTER:
It now has more of a minimal look.
Top of cabinets, center
Lots of things were removed!
Top of Center Cabinets:
What a change, huh?
That's the metal bucket in the center
(see the top first picture above.)
Top of Pantry
Top of Pantry
Do you like it better?
We do!
Cluttered look is gone!
Lynn lives about 150 miles away from me
so we can't get together a lot, but we do
what we can when we are together!
Below is the "Before" of Lynn's house she is redecorating
with a "Less is More" decor, changing the romantic decor to a more
modern contemporary look. More of that to come at a later time.

We didn't have much time left,
but we started on her living room and dining room.
Dining Room Table
Removed the large floral centerpiece
on the table. The valance on the window
will be removed, the rod was bolted and we
had to wait for a man to remove it!
Dining Room Table
The magnolia floral spray was used as
a temporary centerpiece.
We took it from over the door here:
Top of china cabinet
Top of china cabinet
The large centerpiece is on the plant stand, right.
This valance in the breakfast nook may be removed:
The contemporary table below was her
inspiration piece for the new decor in the living room:
I added the purple bottles (they had been on top
of the kitchen cabinets.) Purple will be an accent
color in the new decor.
That's Lynn and the before of her
dining room, she has new pictures to
hang and accent pieces will change.
Stay tuned to future changes
in the near future!
I'm joining Susan's Met Monday, click here for more fun!