
Show and Tell - Compact

Time for Kelli's Show and Tell, go to There's No Place Like Home to see many more interesting Show and Tell stories!

Today I'm sharing a vintage compact my friend, DeAnn, gave me, she collects vintage compacts and gave me this one because it has a rose on it! While visiting DeAnn recently I took pictures of some of her compact collection. She has a glass top coffee table with a display area inside. It is perfect for her compacts. She also has some on shelves in her house. I think they are such neat and unusual things to collect!

That's a bowl of white glass fruit on top of the table.
Close-ups of both sides of the table.

Thank you for your interest, please leave a comment! And please do return soon!



Rebecca said...

What a beautiful collection. How special she shared one with you. They are truly little works of art.
Thanks for sharing.

Cheryl said...

lol....great, after seeing how cute those are I want a collection of them as well!

Betty said...

What a lovely have a thoughtful friend......

I have a few compacts that I enjoy...

Thanks for visiting with me...Betty

Martha said...

What a unique collection. I have never heard of collecting compacts before. I think the one she gave you was very pretty. Thanks for sharing.


Susan said...

Neat, old compact. The way your friend displays hers is nice, too.

Unknown said...

What an unusual collection! It's so much more interesting than the ordinary things people collect! Beautiful, too.

Ingrid said...

That's a beautiful gift and I like this coffee table of your friend, it's so nice to look at displays while you drink something !

Hootin Anni said...

First I love how you displayed your compact gift. And then secondly, thanks for sharing the friend's collection....from what I see, your gift from her is truly something very special given to you. You got a treasure there...and in your friend too!!!!

My show n tell is posted. I'd love to have you visit me today. :o)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful collection.

Alice said...

It is so nice your friend has a great way to display her unusual collection. Aren't they all so pretty. And how sweet that she shared one of her treasures with you!

~~Deby said...

What a good give something she collects...I have never heard of these or collecting these before..they look lovely the way they are displayed...where does she find such Pretties?

A Romantic Porch said...

How neat! I have never heard of collecting compacts before. That was so sweet of you to feature her collection.

Mandy said...

What a beautiful gift and collection! I love antiques.

ellen b. said...

What a great way to display yours and the way your friend displays her collection is wonderful too! They all are so unique and beautiful. enjoy...

Mary said...

Your compact is beautiful and I love the hand that you're displaying it in. It's gorgeous. Is it new or a vintage item? I'd love to hear the story behind it sometime.

All of your friend's compacts are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


A Romantic Porch said...

Thank you SO much for commenting on my blog. And I'm glad the nickname thing helped you! I just got to thinking, that is something that I would liked to have known a few months ago!! Have a fun day.

Cjdusse said...

This is a beautiful collection and so well presented. Thanks for sharing.


Betty said...

I really enjoyed looking at the collection of compacts.

What a neat way your friend has all those displayed, but I especially like the way you have your compact displayed.

Anonymous said...

That is an unusual collection, and what a neat way to display them. I love the ones with roses on them.

Carrie said...

Thanks Ketherine for sharing this nice collection

nancy said...

Those are ALL charming. I remember when we used to buy the pretty compacts like that all the time. As they say, "They don't make 'em like that any more."

maryt/theteach said...

What a beautiful collection! And the one she gave you is delightful, katherine.

Mine's up at Work of the Poet

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

What an interesting collection! I have enjoyed my visit to your blog. I added you to my blog list so I'll be sure to come back.

Thank you for your comments on my "Sits" dog. Come again soon!

nannykim said...

Wow--I say wow a lot , but that is how I feel when I see something like that. What a unique collection and so beautiful tooooo! It is amazing the detail and beauty of those things!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Katherine :) I just tagged you for a game. Visit my blog to find out more! – Liz

Lana G! said...

Of course yours has a rose on it! I love the way you have displayed it. Your friend really does have a lot of compacts! WOW!

Anonymous said...

Oh how pretty and what a pretty way to see your lovely compact! I also like your friends collection. Oh my!
This was a very unique show and tell.

PattieJ said...

What a pretty gift your friend gave to you from her collection.
I love the way her collection looks inside the table.Beautiful!


Linda said...

I love your compact, it's a wonderful treasure from your friend. Her compact collecton is awesome and what a great way to display them. Linda

Cathy said...

What an awesome collection and great way to display them!

Cathy :)

Cjdusse said...

Hi I have found the picture of baby Jesus on Google images.

Cjdusse said...

oh and thank you for encouraging me to write a book - I want to write a book and I appreciate your encouragement so so much. I will definitely try to find the books you have mentioned. I am going off line now for a while bec. of the move but will be back again :)

Cjdusse said...

thanks for mentioning the books to me I will DEFINITELY try to buy them. And thanks for encouraging me to write a book I am planning to write a book so you are giving me wings to fly with your encouragement.

Lallee said...

Your friend's collection is beautiful. She new just the right one to give to you! I know you must treasure it.

Kathi said...

Thankyou for sharing these lovely compacts. They are so pretty and unusual. It makes me wonder who first owned them. Many of them are so detailed and special. It would be fun to know the history. Great post. Hugs, Kathi