Time for Kelli's Show and Tell, go to Kelli's There's No Place Like Home to see and enjoy many more Show and Tell items.Since Valentine's Day is coming up soon, I'm sharing some of my jewelry I wear during this time.
Cloissonne heart on a gold chain
Below: Gold mesh heart on a chain, it opens up.
Below: The tiny red rose bracelet is special to me because my husband brought it back from Italy. It is very dainty.
Below: a red rose pin
Below are earring I love to wear, the roses are fabric.
Below is a vintage-look brooch. The gloves are just for display, I don't wear those!
Thank you for your interest, please leave a comment! And please do return soon!Katherine
You have such lovely things :o) Thanks for your comment on my blogoversary and that you will be doing the tag. Would you come back and ask me a question so your name will go in for the drawing of my little giveaway. Thanks. Susan email me at penlessthoughts@gmail.com
Katherine, beautiful pieces of jewelry that make Valentine's Day special to you! Each is special to itself! I'm glad to mentioned you don't wear the gloves (although they are beautiful!). Ha! :)
concerning your comment on simply simply simply--the author does go into having beauty in the home--that God values beauty, and we are made in His image---that He values our desire to create beauty!--she also says colors soothe, objects tell stories, and love is in the air--as far as making the home a reflection of beauty. (smiles!)
Over the years I have done a different Thanksgiving centerpiece each year. This year I'm using my velvet pumpkins again. I added red ros...
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Prayer - before going on the internet
Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Your image and taught us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we ask You, that during our journeys through the internet, we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to You and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Spiritual Sundays
Power of Prayer
My other blog, click on picture to go there
Yellow Depression Tea Cups
Yellow Depression Glass
Yellow Rose Arbor
Photo compliments of Amy http://TheCottageGate.blogspot.com check out her beautiful blog! Thanks, Amy for allowing me to use this photo from your yard!
Very pretty jewelry! I really like the gloves too. (o:
How lucky you are to have such lovely pieces of jewelry! I always forget to wear jewelry...except for earrings lol
Katherine, I enjoyed seeing your "Valentine" jewelry. Beautiful pieces, and I'll bet you get a lot of compliments when you wear those.
You have such lovely things :o) Thanks for your comment on my blogoversary and that you will be doing the tag. Would you come back and ask me a question so your name will go in for the drawing of my little giveaway. Thanks.
email me at penlessthoughts@gmail.com
Lovely, dainty, beautiful pieces of jewelry you have shared! I like how you showed them with the gloves!
Beautiful jewellery! I love it.
I especially love the Cloissonne heart on a gold chain ---and the crocheted gloves?----WOW!!!!
Happy show n telling
Very, Very, pretty.
I love the gold mesh heart, it's so beautiful.
So pretty! You have put me in the valentine mood with these beautiful pieces and the lace gloves are wonderful.
I love the way you displayed your treasures for photographing! Those are beautiful! I love anything vintage looking!
You chose a very beautiful way to display your treasures. Using the gloves set them off perfectly. You're so creative and artistic, Katherine!
wow its a very nice gift and really fit for Valentines day. Thanks for sharing and showing. Happy weekend.
These pieces of just gorgeous and so are the lacy gloves!
Katherine, beautiful pieces of jewelry that make Valentine's Day special to you! Each is special to itself! I'm glad to mentioned you don't wear the gloves (although they are beautiful!). Ha! :)
Oh Katherine, your jewelry is just beautiful. I LOVE the bracelet! Thanks for sharing.
Very pretty jewelry. I especially like the lovely rose bracelet from your husband and what a gorgeous brooch. Have a happy day, Linda
That is lovely jewelry, I esp. like the dainty rose bracelet. The crocheted gloves are wonderful, too.
love the top one the best--love all those pretty colors on it--very unique!! Oh, come on --wear the gloves ;-)
All your jewlery is just so delicate and pretty!
The dainty bracelet is beautiful-I wear bracelets pretty much every day. I LOVE the gloves. Thanks for sharing
concerning your comment on simply simply simply--the author does go into having beauty in the home--that God values beauty, and we are made in His image---that He values our desire to create beauty!--she also says colors soothe, objects tell stories, and love is in the air--as far as making the home a reflection of beauty. (smiles!)
You have a sweet collection. I enjoyed the way you displayed them.
Kathy b
wow those are very pretty...lovely just lovely pics of them too.
Lovely things, thanks for taking
the time to show us! Jewelry
is my favorite thing.
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