I received all three of these tins of loose tea from different friends as gifts! I love loose teas and they last a long time in tins. I love the Old Country Roses (OCR) design on the tins.

When my friend, Linda, went to London she brought me these three tins filled with loose black teas. They were purchased at Harrold's, the large department store there.

I bought this tin, not because of the tea bags inside, but because I thought it is so cute!

It's different on both sides, front and back.

The tin below didn't have tea inside, it even says "cocoa" on it, but it was empty. I bought it in San Francisco as a memento. I do keep tea bags in it.

I hope you enjoyed seeing some of my tea tins. Happy National Hot Tea Month!
Thank you for your interest, please leave a comment! And please do return soon!
I like your tea cannisters...my china is Old Country Roses...it makes me happy each time I look at it....
I like your trolley bus, too. I like tins period.....plus I drink lots of tea....hot and cold....
Betty @ Country Charm
Love the tins...
Those tins are all so cute. Isn't it nice to have friends who know what we love.
How fun are your tea tins!! we love the double decker bus! MMMmmm...a cup of hot tea sounds lovely on this cold morning!
kari & kijsa
You know, it really is a wonder what a good cup of tea can do. I wasn't aware that this was National Hot Tea Month until now, but I hope to celebrate that this evening with a nice chamomile. (Like I inadvertently did last night... and the night before...)
Here's wishing you many more happy cuppas. :)
You would like visiting a tea room here locally. They have so many different kinds of tea from all over the world.
These tins are great! Where did you find the one like a London double-decker bus?
I took a break this afternoon for a cup of hot tea? Yumm...
Your tins are so pretty!! You must've found them overseas. I've never seen anything like that here in the states!! What treasures!
Mrs. U
Really cute tea tins, Katherine ~
Now I'll bet that is some fancy tea from Harrold's. :)
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