Again I'm following
La Tea Dah. I'm also in the same group she mentioned. We drew names to be "Santa's Secret Sister." We exchanged gifts before Christmas. I was fortunate to have La Tea Dah as my Secret Sister! Look at all the lovely things she sent me - books, yellow rose items, place mats and napkins, body butter, teas, coasters, handmade beeswax ornament, etc! I'm guessing she also made the cross-stitch yellow rose bookmark!
Thank you, La Tea Dah, I love everything, you were a great Secret Sister!
P.S. - La Tea Dah, I know you enjoyed having Gwen as your SSS. Last year she was my Secret Sister, yes she does know how to make up a great SSS box!!
Oh, you can tell that she designed those gifts just for you. I know you'll happily use each one.
I love it...that LaTea Dah...is one talented woman ...with a great blog..now tell me how does ONE(ahem?????) get on this list...or is it closed...which is okay..just thought that I would ask....
I'm so glad you enjoyed your package, Katherine. I had a fun time searching for just the right 'yellow' things. I know you'll have to use your imagination a little bit for some of them to make them roses (like on the handkerchief), but hopefully everything blends with your decor. Some of the things in your package came from Paula's shop --- my new very favorite place (which you already know as a reader of my blog)!
:) LaTeaDah
PS: The cookbook really is for Joe --- I remembered that you were looking for natural cooking recipes awhile back. . .
That is just an awesome gift. That La Tea Dah is something else! Enjoy all your pretty things.
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