Grant me the strength from day to day to bear what burdens come my way. Grant me throughout this bright New Year more to endure and less to fear. Help me live that I may be from spite and petty malice free.
Let me not bitterly complain when cherished hopes of mine prove vain, or spoil with deeds of hate and rage some fair tomorrow's spotless page. Lord, as the days shall come and go in courage let me stronger grow.
Lord, as the New Year dawns today help me to put my faults away. Let me be big in little things; grant me the joy which friendship brings. Keep me from selfishness and spite; let me be wise in what is right.
A Happy New Year! Grant that I may bring no tear to any eye. When this New Year in time shall end let it be said I've played the friend, have lived and loved and labored here, and made of it a happy year. - Edgar A. Guest
Since I've missed so many days blogging, I have added more after this post, please read the others below and see lots of photos!
Thank you for supporting me and visiting my blog, may you be very blessed this year, and enjoy your "Gift!" (Do you see the cross in the bow on the Gift?)
Katherine, this is a beautiful and appropirate New Year post. Love the picture with the cross in the bow.
I won't be taking down my decorations until right after Jan. 6, the Day of the Three Kings.
P.S. Thanks for your visit and comment on my post about navity wall art.
Happy New Year Katherine....
Best wishes for a great 2008 !
Wonderful tour of your Christmas home! I especially love the Santa ornaments. Have a blessed new year~
Hello sweet friend...how could we not comment on such a wonderful friend's blog....we think you are fantabulous!
We just wanted to stop by and give you the warmest wishes of the season! Hope you have a wonderful and prosperous 2008!
smiles, kari and kijsa
What a lovely post for the New Year. I wish only good things for you in 2008, Katherine!
Blessing to you Katherine as we enter this new year of New Beginnings.
Dear Katherine!
First of all, Happy New year to you as well!
Thanks for your last message on my blog. Actually, you already commented my Show & Tell post of THIS coming Friday. I was a bit early this week... ;-)))
Best wishes, Anita
Thanks for the advice--I have not been satisfied with the shelf and when I get time I will have to work more on it!! your grandkiddies are adorable
I need to read this prayer every day. Thank you for sharing! And Happy New Year!
Katherine ~ So lovely of you to have stopped by. Your decorations were very pretty. Thank you for your kind words. Have a lovely evening.
Thank you Katherine! I love Guest. When he wrote, it was a simpler time. Perhaps faith was a simpler thing then. We tend to have complicated our world so much.
You asked what my grandson, the artist:), did for me for Christmas this year? A gift certificate to The Red Lobster! :D Kids.
Your site is just beautiful. I always enjoy the eye candy.
Happy New Year to you and your family, Katherine!
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