We went out-of-town today for my husband's doctor appointment. I had to rush to do my tablescape when we returned.
Thanks to Susan for hosting, click here for lots more fun designs! We aren't having guests for the holiday, but I wanted to do a tablescape using patriotic colors. Since I used my July 4th decorations in Tuesday's Table Top yesterday and since I did a tablescape last year using the firecracker plates (click here to see.) I used some blue and white plates that I bought at TJ Maxx last year. They are called "side plates" have you ever heard plates called this? I haven't!
They were on sale for just $3.00 for 4!
This is the only reason I bought them! I don't use much blue in our house (just in our yellow guest room.)
Since I was in a hurry I used the same lace tablecloth as last week, and the same flatware. I started with the red square chargers, then added the square polka dot plates on top: Next comes the blue napkins, and the blue and white plate on top: I used some pieces of my small collection of blue and white for the centerpiece.
The pretty blue and white ceramic purse is filled with red, white and blue silk flowers.
The same flowers are also in the ceramic shoe:
The blue and white orb is displayed on a little stand I found recently for $1.99. The salt and pepper shakers came from Goodwill, for only $2. and the round candle holder from Dollar Tree.
View from the top.
I like the tablescape without any flags, etc.,
but after taking most of the pictures I decided to add the little flags to the centerpiece:
One in the little purse One in the little shoe
Yep, I like it! Here's a place for you! We plan to have an easy meal - we're going to purchase a rotisserie chicken, potato salad, baked beans, etc. from our favorite grocery store! (Can't beat Publix!)
Happy Birthday, America!
Happy 4th of July!
God Bless America.
God Bless You!
I hope you enjoyed my red, white, and blue tablescape! To see the centerpiece using yellow roses, click here to the one I did last year.
I did a Fourth of July vignette for Tabletop Tuesday. This end table is in the living room near the front door and it can be seen by visitors as they enter the house. Thanks to Marty for hosting Tabletop Tuesday. Go here for lots more inspiration. My inspiration for this vignette started with these little firecracker plates:
I bought them last year at TJ Maxx.
Next I added these two little Uncle Sam figures: I've had these for about 15 years. They have such cute faces: The USA hearts are hung on the lamp switch: These little wooden Americana bells and stars, and fabric flag complete the vignette.
A simple little patriotic vignette!
Happy Fourth of July!
To see last years tablescape done with these plates, etc., click here.
I hope you enjoyed seeing my 4th of July decorations!
It's been a while since I have participated in Susan's Tablescape Thursday and I have missed it.
I'm in the mood for something light and airy, and I'm in the mood for a tea party, so today I set our dining room table for a summer tea party.
I'm also linking to Martha's Favorites, go here to see her beautiful tea time collections.
Inspiration for my yellow tea party came from this pretty vase.
While visiting my sister she gave me some treasures in her china cabinet. She likes to give me yellow things because she knows how much I love yellow! This vase was given to her by a special person in her life who has passed on, so when she gave it to me I knew it was a treasure indeed.
She also gave me these pretty ruffled bowls.
I'm also using some pieces of my yellow depression glass collection in this tablescape.
This frosted dish is much prettier than it looks here.
I filled the vase full of faux daisies and yellow roses for the centerpiece,
then I remembered I had purchased this yellow glass candlestick at Home Goods a few months ago.
A little yellow depression glass star shaped dish completes it.
I couldn't decide whether to use this flatware,
or this one, I decided on this one:
The napkins are from my yellow rose vintage hankie collection. I usually include white paper napkins inside them to protect from lipstick on the hankies!
Which is your favorite?
The ceramic napkin rings have tiny yellow roses painted on them.
I'm enjoying the light and airy look to this tablescape!
The back view:
See my side bar for more of my yellow depression glass.
These dishes will hold
this lemon frozen dessert:
Frozen Lemonade Dessert
Mix: 1 (6 oz.) can frozen lemonade
1 can Eagle Brand milk
9 oz. container Cool Whip
Over the years I have done a different Thanksgiving centerpiece each year. This year I'm using my velvet pumpkins again. I added red ros...
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Prayer - before going on the internet
Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Your image and taught us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we ask You, that during our journeys through the internet, we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to You and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Spiritual Sundays
Power of Prayer
My other blog, click on picture to go there
Yellow Depression Tea Cups
Yellow Depression Glass
Yellow Rose Arbor
Photo compliments of Amy http://TheCottageGate.blogspot.com check out her beautiful blog! Thanks, Amy for allowing me to use this photo from your yard!