This is the yellow rose china I wish I had more of. I didn't find it until a while after we bought the yellow Fiesta china. I only have two salad plates and two cups and saucers of this. Someday I may try to find more on the net.

This is the tea cup holder I have sitting on my kitchen counter (under the cabinets) These are the china yellow rose tea cups I use often.

Another view of the tea cup holder. It holds eight cups. The saucers are in the middle and on top.

This is what I wake up to each morning. My husband has this waiting for me, water in the hot pot, all I have to do is push the button! He is an early bird, gets up at 5:30 or so. I'm a night owl and sleep later than he does.
I have really been enjoying seeing all of your yellow roses! You have such a beautiful collection and in such vast varieties as well. :)
You have a sweet husband, but I think he has a sweet wife as well! I'm sure he enjoys doing special things like that for you!
Again lots of pretty yellow rose items. Love those cups.
That china is gorgeous. What is it? I love your yellow rose teacups and other pieces. I have teacups but have collected a variety. What a good idea to limit it to yellow roses. ~Adrienne~
Thanks to all of you for such nice comments!
Adrienne, on the bottom of the cup, saucer and plate all it has is "Nikko Japan Microwavable and Dishwasher safe." It doesn't have a name!
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