My yellow rose tea pot is displayed in the guest room on a wrought iron bed tray.

The yellow rose teapot, displayed with a yellow tea cup and a book on lace.

When my husband heard that I wanted a yellow rose tea pot, he set out on a mission to find one for me! We finally found this one at an antique store in St. Augustine, FL.

The valance on the window in the guest room is made from old lace curtains and has a yellow rose garland at the top. These fabric pieces are just tucked over the top of the rod. Don't ever throw old lace away, it can be used in many ways!

I found this lamp at an antique store and even though I didn't need a lamp, had to buy it because of the yellow roses on it. These tiny roses are very delicate raised 3-D roses. I put the roses on the shade.

I made the yellow rose tapestry pillow (above) with a table runner. It was real easy and you can make two from one runner. The pillow with the bow next to it is filled with lavender.
If you would like to see the whole guest room, check my former posts in the archives! I wish I knew how to put that right here so you could click on it, but I'm technically challenged! If anybody would like to teach me how I will try to do it!
HI :)
I am LOVING your home decor with all your beautiful yellow and yellow roses items.
Its very lovely! Im really enjoying it. Thanks for sharing!!
Candy :)
Thank you, Candy! I'm so happy you like it all!
I always enjoy pics of your guest room; I think it is one of the prettiest rooms I've ever *seen*!
How sweet that Joe sought out the teapot for you!
Oh, can I come stay in your guestroom? I would feel right at home among the yellow roses! Your home is an inspiration. ~Adrienne~
I adore this room, it is just so beautiful. The bed really stands out as unique. I also love all of your yellow rose items!
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