"The Pouring Teapot" is the theme on LaTeaDah's Tea Blog-a-thon. Go there for lots more fun! This week is all about sharing about teapots. Do you have one? two? or three? maybe more? Is it for display only or do you use it for tea? What is the tea server you use most? Your favorite teapot (or is it something like a quart jar?). Tell your teapot story, give it's history, and tell what it means to you. You can share more than once if you'd like. Antique, new, Asian, English, or something in between --- we'd love to know! First, I'm sharing my favorite tea pot - a yellow rose tea pot (of course!) I told my husband I "needed" a yellow rose tea pot. He loves to have a mission to find something, so he set out to find me a tea pot with yellow roses on it. He finally succeeded when we went to an antique store in St. Augustine, FL (30 miles north of where we live.) I keep it displayed on a bed tray on the bed in our guest room, but I do use it when I have tea parties.
I'm not sure what "Pouring Tea Pot" is, but I'm wondering if it means a tea pot you actually use to serve tea, not just a tea pot for display. Below are tea pots I use only for display.
This Old Country Roses bunny tea pot is displayed in my china cabinet with my OCR china. This little blue bird tea pot was used in a centerpiece during Springtime. I like this little blue tea pot because it has tea room on the tag.
I sometimes use it in a vignette like this:
I have a few more tea pots I will share later.
Thanks to all of you for the sweet birthday wishes!
Well, I have been waiting to see the teapots! Hmmm, do you think if I told my hubby that I need a teapot with ...let's say...diamonds! he would be on the hunt for me? Well, probably not...he is pretty good to just let me buy what I want within reason! I especially love the blue one with the tea tag. That is really cute. Can't wait to see the rest.
Your teapots are adorable, Katherine! The OLR is always a favorite with me, as it's a set I have and enjoy. I haven't seen the little one you have before. And the bluebird --- SO PRECIOUS! I also like the 'tea room' teapot and your YELLOW ROSES teapot is beautiful and perfect for you. I love how you have it displayed on a tray in your guest room. A lovely idea. As always, it's always special to visit your blog where you share your love for beauty. Thank you!
I love your yellow rose teapot. Of course, you probably would already guess that would be a favorite of mine! Each of your teapots are wonderful. The little tearoom pot is darling and the sweet birdie is so cute. I'd love to have tea from any of them with you.
Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. Yes, you and my sweetheart have nearly the same birthdays. Wouldn't it be fun to get together for a party for both of you? ~Adrienne~
I love all of your tea pots. My daughter has quite a few and the boys and I often get her a figural tea pot for special occasions.
She has a bunny one similar to yours but I have never seen a bluebird tea pot before. It is pretty and unique.
Tea pots come in so many shapes and sizes. I have three. One that goes with my dinnerware set, a cow and a Currier and Ives one. Those are my special ones. Then I have a couple Tim Horton tea pots as well.
If you like figural tea pots take a look on ebay. There are so many to chose from there.
Loved seeing these ones and look forward to seeing the others. Thanks so much for sharing. I anything to do with tea.
There is something so sweet and homey about the yellow roses teapot. It makes me nostalgic for another time and slower way of life. Wouldn't it be nice to know the first owner of this teapot, what her life was like, how she used the teapot. It certainly must have been special to her.
Your teapots have such personality! Love the cute bunny and blue bird! The yellow rose one is so elegant looking, your husband did well. Thank you for sharing.
Over the years I have done a different Thanksgiving centerpiece each year. This year I'm using my velvet pumpkins again. I added red ros...
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Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Your image and taught us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we ask You, that during our journeys through the internet, we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to You and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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My other blog, click on picture to go there
Yellow Depression Tea Cups
Yellow Depression Glass
Yellow Rose Arbor
Photo compliments of Amy http://TheCottageGate.blogspot.com check out her beautiful blog! Thanks, Amy for allowing me to use this photo from your yard!
Well, I have been waiting to see the teapots! Hmmm, do you think if I told my hubby that I need a teapot with ...let's say...diamonds! he would be on the hunt for me? Well, probably not...he is pretty good to just let me buy what I want within reason! I especially love the blue one with the tea tag. That is really cute. Can't wait to see the rest.
Your teapots are adorable, Katherine! The OLR is always a favorite with me, as it's a set I have and enjoy. I haven't seen the little one you have before. And the bluebird --- SO PRECIOUS! I also like the 'tea room' teapot and your YELLOW ROSES teapot is beautiful and perfect for you. I love how you have it displayed on a tray in your guest room. A lovely idea. As always, it's always special to visit your blog where you share your love for beauty. Thank you!
I love your yellow rose teapot. Of course, you probably would already guess that would be a favorite of mine! Each of your teapots are wonderful. The little tearoom pot is darling and the sweet birdie is so cute. I'd love to have tea from any of them with you.
Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. Yes, you and my sweetheart have nearly the same birthdays. Wouldn't it be fun to get together for a party for both of you?
I love all of your tea pots. My daughter has quite a few and the boys and I often get her a figural tea pot for special occasions.
She has a bunny one similar to yours but I have never seen a bluebird tea pot before. It is pretty and unique.
Tea pots come in so many shapes and sizes. I have three. One that goes with my dinnerware set, a cow and a Currier and Ives one. Those are my special ones. Then I have a couple Tim Horton tea pots as well.
If you like figural tea pots take a look on ebay. There are so many to chose from there.
Loved seeing these ones and look forward to seeing the others. Thanks so much for sharing. I anything to do with tea.
Your teapots are so pretty - love the whimsical ones! Thanks for sharing.
There is something so sweet and homey about the yellow roses teapot. It makes me nostalgic for another time and slower way of life. Wouldn't it be nice to know the first owner of this teapot, what her life was like, how she used the teapot. It certainly must have been special to her.
Your teapots have such personality! Love the cute bunny and blue bird! The yellow rose one is so elegant looking, your husband did well. Thank you for sharing.
Hi KAtherine
You have alot of teapots. Wow! I have that book Twelve Teas of Friendship also.
Belated happy birthday wishes.
Rhondi xo
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