This is a favorite, one because I love violets and two, because one of my favorite aunts (Aunt Catherine) gave me this tea set for high school graduation 50 years ago! I have treasured it all these years! I love violets and have always wanted to have a "violet tea party," someday I will! You will hear more about my 50th Class Reunion, as we are leaving next week to go to my hometown (Huntsville, AL) for a celebration of this reunion! Now you know how old I am! ;-) Ha! Here's a sweet tea pot that I found at a rummage sale the youth group at our church was having. I like it because it has the unusual morning glory spout! The tea pot wasn't priced, and when I asked how much, I was told "$3.00." I was excited thinking what a bargain, then thought maybe I would give them $5.00 since the youth group was raising money for a trip. I told my husband to pay them, and he gave them $20!! So much for my bargain, but my generous husband wanted to help out the kids in the youth group! It is displayed on one of my favorite books, "Morning Glory" by Lavyrle Spencer.
Above is a Sandy Clough tea pot. I bought it because it has yellow roses on it, and because it goes with the book shown above. I love all Sandy Clough things!
Above is a two-cup tea pot that is used often. The little violets kitty is a creamer.
I found this pretty little tea pot at an antique store a few years ago, it has a tiny rose on top for the knob.
I'm showing this London double-decker bus tea pot just for fun. I gave it to my friend who collects unusual tea pots from England.
I have a few more tea pots, I hope to show them tomorrow.
Once again I love your teapots. It just makes me really, really wish I could see them in person and have a good visit over tea with you. My son was somewhere in your area last weekend and over the weekend. He travelled a lot and I'm not sure exactly where he went until I get a chance to hear about his trip. I BEGGED to go with him! He is in a new position that will take him to your part of the world often. I've already told him I want to travel with him sometime. He just looked at me as if to ask 'why?'. Maybe someday it will happen. In the meantime, keep sharing your lovely home and your wonderful tea things with us. ~Adrienne~
The violets tea set is so special. I'm curious if you loved it from the first moment or whether you didn't truly appreciate it until you were a bit older. I ask because my niece will graduate next year and I've already been thinking of a special gift that she'd keep forever. A tea set seems perfect.
I loved both of your posts showing your teapots. They are sooo pretty and you've displayed so well. You have such lovely things and I really enjoy seeing them.
Katherine, You have the most amazing teapots! I love the variety. But I'm with you, I love the Violets tea set best. What a wonderful story of how you came to have it! I hope you will have your Violets Tea Party someday soon!
Over the years I have done a different Thanksgiving centerpiece each year. This year I'm using my velvet pumpkins again. I added red ros...
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Prayer - before going on the internet
Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Your image and taught us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we ask You, that during our journeys through the internet, we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to You and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Spiritual Sundays
Power of Prayer
My other blog, click on picture to go there
Yellow Depression Tea Cups
Yellow Depression Glass
Yellow Rose Arbor
Photo compliments of Amy check out her beautiful blog! Thanks, Amy for allowing me to use this photo from your yard!
Once again I love your teapots. It just makes me really, really wish I could see them in person and have a good visit over tea with you. My son was somewhere in your area last weekend and over the weekend. He travelled a lot and I'm not sure exactly where he went until I get a chance to hear about his trip. I BEGGED to go with him! He is in a new position that will take him to your part of the world often. I've already told him I want to travel with him sometime. He just looked at me as if to ask 'why?'. Maybe someday it will happen. In the meantime, keep sharing your lovely home and your wonderful tea things with us. ~Adrienne~
You always amaze me with the lovely tea things you have.
The violets tea set is so special. I'm curious if you loved it from the first moment or whether you didn't truly appreciate it until you were a bit older. I ask because my niece will graduate next year and I've already been thinking of a special gift that she'd keep forever. A tea set seems perfect.
Enjoyed seeing your teapots, Katherine. I love the lavender ones.
I loved both of your posts showing your teapots. They are sooo pretty and you've displayed so well. You have such lovely things and I really enjoy seeing them.
Thanks for sharing,
You have the most amazing teapots! I love the variety. But I'm with you, I love the Violets tea set best. What a wonderful story of how you came to have it! I hope you will have your Violets Tea Party someday soon!
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