We live only about one hour and a half from Disney World and can go often, we have season tickets and go several times a year, we only stay about four hours so we don't wear ourselves out.
Is everybody having as much trouble as I am trying to keep up with blogging, comments, replies, etc? I join in on some of the big memes and then it takes forever to participate! I'm so afraid I will forget to reply to someone. I do enjoy the memes though. Mondays and Tuesdays are my busiest days, with my Faith Sharing Group meeting and Creative Memories workshops here at my house.
I just received a lovely package in the mail! I won the give-away
at Karen's Nittany's Inspirations! She has a very nice
blog and just celebrated her 100th post. Check out her blog here.
Thanks, Karen, for sending me all the wonderful goodies!
Just look:
at Karen's Nittany's Inspirations! She has a very nice
blog and just celebrated her 100th post. Check out her blog here.
Thanks, Karen, for sending me all the wonderful goodies!
Just look:
Boo-hoo, this one arrived broken :-(

The post office must have slammed the
"Fragile" stamp down too hard on
the package!
Thanks, again, Karen! Such nice gifts!
Have a happy day!
God Bless.
Hi KK,
Sorry I haven't answered your e-mail. Company is here and yes it's hard at the moment keeping up with the bloggers. I'm trying though.
Looks like you and Joe had a great time. The "dove bar" is my favorite, too.
Congrats! on your win. Those are really cute items.
Try to answer you when I get a chance.
Oh, Katherine, you make me feel SO much better! I thought I certainly must be the only one having trouble keeping up with blog comments and replies. Now I know I'm not alone and I can rest easy and sleep at night!!
So glad you had fun at DisneyWorld. Wish you and I could visit there together and enjoy Mickey ice cream bars! Hmmmm...maybe someday!
So sorry one of your gifts was broken. That is the problem with mailing things. Sometimes it works, others, nope!
Wish I had a bite of Mickey's ear!!
I do my best with the comments..but I don't get as many as some do....it still is fun though!!
Yes, I have trouble keeping up. We all do the best we can and don't feel guilty about it. Blogging is supposed to be fun.
Congratulations on winning. I like those candle warmers. Didn't know they would break. I like them because I don't have to worry about the flame if I forget I have a candle burning. These do not get very hot and you have the fragrance without the burn.
I have several of them.
Mama Bear
Hi Katherine! Oh, aren't you the cutest thing eating your Mickey Ice Cream!
Congratulations on your gift. So pretty and I'm sorry about the broken one.
Yes, I too have a little trouble keeping up with everyone. But I do try. I know I'm on my puter much more than I should be.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I'm glad you like what you got in good condition, anyway. I seem to spend way too much time on the computer. The more people I add to follow, the less I read the posts of those who I really want to keep up with. If I join a meme, I used to view every one. Now the memes are 70 to 90 links. I don't get them done until another meme comes along.
I'd have a hard time not going once a week if I lived that near Disney! hehe I would so love to one day go there and meet my hero....Tinkerbell:-)
Congratulations on winning that giveaway, such beautiful items!! xoxo
You can't keep up--it would really be more than a full time job!!!! So don't sweat it!!
Those are sweet pictures of both of you. I have friends who do the Disney season tickets and really enjoy them. What a nice blog give-away you won! Yes, I have great trouble keeping up with blogs!
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