Being a Christian is like being a pumpkin.
God lifts you up, takes you in, and washes all the dirt off of you.
He opens you up, touches you deep inside and scoops out all the yucky stuff-- including the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc.
Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside you to shine for all the world to see.
I liked this enough to share with all the pumpkins in my patch.
Happy Fall, Ya’ll!
Have a happy day!
God Bless.
I love that teaching . We go over that each year with the grand kids when we crave pumpkins. I think it is a wonderful illustration of what Christ has done for us. Thanks for sharing this blessing today.
Blessings to you ,
~Myrna Lee
Oh, this was beautiful! A sweet refreshment for the soul!
And a great Fall pick-me-up!
Thank you!
All the best,
this was great and I love your little rag doll.
Mama Bear
What a wonderful analogy of God's love for us. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Jane (Artfully Graced)
Oh, I love this! I am going to write this down & share with my family. LOVE it!
Hello Katherine,
foudn you lovely blog by PEA's corner and 'm so glad I did.
Love that raggedy doll of yours but most of all love your heartwarming words.
By visiting your profile I realize we have some things in commone as I also love roses (hence the name of my blog Rita's Shabby Chic Rose!!!), teasets, home decor, crafting and even a great majority of the movies you listed appear to be among my most favorite ones.
Come and visit my blog at http://www.ritashabbychicrose.blogspot.com
Let me know you dropped by by leaving a sweet thought, just like the one you posted today. That'll certainly make my day!
Such a wonderful teaching. I will remember this and share with my Great-grandson when we carve a pumpkin. Thanks so much for sharing. Hugs, Marty
This is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful lesson.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
That is beautiful Katherine and so very true!!
Have a great day, (your picture is adorable)
Thank you I will share this my prayer group tomorrow night I know they will enjoy it so much. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for visiting. I guess you meant having my profile translated into English, right? Well, I've been thinking of re-doing it only in English. Most of my readers are either from English-speaking countries or speak/understand English. So, perhaps before the end of this week I'll have a new profile widget in English.
Good night (it's past midnight here, better get my White Wednesday pics ready for tomorrow and then go to have some sleep).
I just love this sentiment and it's so true!!
Make sure you drop by my blog today, you're there dressed up as a little faerie! hehe xoxo
Aint it the truth!!!
Aww, I am in love with this!! Thank you so much for posting it. <3
Dear One,
I liked this!
God Bless,
That is precious....
I am going to print that out and send it to my grandson!
And hang one on the fridge! :-)
I love your halloween Annie....she is soooooo cute!
Did you make her?
This is a wonderful analogy. Thank you for sharing!
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