This flirty little bunny is centerstage in the dining room table Easter centerpiece. Isn't she just the cutest!

I bought her many years ago, she is about ten inches tall and wears a beautiful Easter bonnet with a big bow and lots of pretty tulips.

The back of her hat.

She is displayed on a clear glass cake plate that has prisms hanging from it. She is too tall for my glass cloche, but on either side I have these cloches:

Little baby chicks

And a frolicking baby bunny.

This is not a very good shot of the table, I'll have to take another one soon when it is set with the egg cups, etc
My eye surgery seems to be another success, the blurriness is beginning to go away! Thank you for your prayers! I praise the Lord that this surgery is available to us now, so that we can see better!
Have a happy day!
God Bless.
Thank you, Lord, for returning clear vision. I've been praying for you, my friend. Your Easter and Spring decor is so sweet. I have so much going on in my life that I'm slowly getting some out and displayed. It will be finished in time to take it all down and put it away! Some of it will stay through the summer months - the birds and birdhouses, for sure. Hugs to you, ~Adrienne~
I love your header. So happy all went well.
I like the little roly poly rabbit in the sidebar.
Mama Bear
Everything looks so pretty, springy and Easter. I love these decorations. I think I have as many Easter, or more, than Christmas decorations.
So very glad to hear that your eye surgery went well. Your Easter decorations are just adorable.
Hi Katherine. I love the bunny wearing the Easter bonnet! And who can resist loving those adorable little chicks. Love your Easter grass and table!
I just caught sight of the egg boxes on your sidebar. Those are my favorites!
This is so sweet, love your center piece. That little bunny with the Easter bonnet is so darling. Beautiful work.
So glad to hear that you eye is starting to get clearer.
I love your Easter look and especially the little bunny with roses in your sidebar.
The photos are adorable. Easter is a great time of year. Bunnies, chicks and lambs are all part of it.
Hope all is well with you.
Very beautiful! I love the bunny hat!
Happy to read the good news that your eye is better. Yes, we live in a great time. Years ago this kind of surgery could not be done. I continue to wear glasses but I don't have to because I see so much better. However, I will have to have another eye surgery some day. You never fail to amaze me with your decorations. Thanks for sharing.
I love your pretty flirty bunny*! She should be in the Easter Parade Slide show on my site*! I'm so happy that your surgery was a success and you are able to see all the beauty of Spring all around you*! Have a blessed day*!
_Ashley ~
what cute bunnies and chicks! Love how you displayed them too.
So happy your eye is better. Prayers were answered. We will pray for Hubby's checkup next week that all will be well.
Your bunny table is adorable. Is that canlewicking glass on the one stand? I just bought some old ones recently.
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