The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said." MATTHEW 28:5-6 (NIV)
I've Just Seen Jesus
We knew he was dead
It is finished, he said
We had watched as his life ebbed away
Then we all stood around
Till the guards took him down
Joseph begged for his body that day
It was late afternoon
When we got to the tomb
Wrapped his body and sealed up the grave
So i know how you feel
His death was so real
But please listen and hear what i say
I've just seen jesus
I tell you he's alive
I've just seen jesus
Our precious lord alive
And i knew, he really saw me too
As if till now, i'd never lived
All that i'd done before
Won't matter anymore
I've just seen jesus
And i'll never be the same again
It was his voice she first heard
Those kind gentle words
Asking what was her reason for tears
And i sobbed in despair
My lord is not there
He said, child! it is i, i am here!
I've just seen jesus
I tell you he's alive
I've just seen jesus
Our precious lord alive
And i knew, he really saw me too
As if till now, i'd never lived
All that i'd done before
Won't matter anymore
I've just seen jesus
I've just seen jesus
I've just seen jesus
All that i'd done before
Won't matter anymore
I've just seen jesus
And i'll never be the same again
I've just seen jesus!
I love this song and the message it brings. Yes, He is alive - and because He lives, we too shall live! Thank you, dear Katherine. Have a happy Resurrection Day! ~Adrienne~
Beautiful post, Katherine. Have a very blessed Easter this year!
Your Easter banner--love it!
I love that song. Here is a tidbit for you...I sang as part of back-up once for Larnell. It was wonderful!
Tragic that some people in this world don't know this or believe this, honey! I do and love my Lord.
Now only is He alive......but He's coming back again!!! Oh Glorious Day.
Thank you for this beautiful post and for the lyrics to the song. I've listened to them sing this on YouTube as older artists, but it was great to see them when they were younger.
All I can say is that the message is fabulous - "I've just seen Jesus and i'll never be the same again."
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