It is a Hobby Lobby ad, I think it is wonderful! Hobby Lobby is a Christian company, they even play Christian music in their store, and they always close on Sundays.
When I was doing my Easter decorating I realized I didn’t have any little Easter lambs. After Easter I found these two on sale at TJ Maxx, can’t wait till next Easter to show them to you!
This one above has an embroidered green toile-like fabric body.

What are your plans for the week? We are having fabulous weather here in Florida, I hope to find some time to read on our backporch. Monday I'm going to a woman's club luncheon here in the neighborhood. Tuesday I'll go to our Faith Sharing Group, then Tuesday night I'll have my Creative Memories workshop here.
I'm hoping to do a tablescape this week using bluebirds. I have a few other little projects going on too, I'll share them soon.
Have a happy day!
God Bless.
How about Fern for the green one, and Charlie for the white one?
I like the second one best. I wish I was closeby to go on these trips to the stores with you. You seem to find the best things.
Your week sounds great. Don't you love having friends to get together with. Are you a consultant with Creative Memories?
Mama Bear
Those little lambs are adorable and will be a perfect addition to your decor for next year. I always liked "lamb chop" for a fun name (from the old show Romper Room)
Enjoy your week, sounds like fun!
You are one busy lady. Keep going! Have a great week.
Hi, Katherine!
I haven't left a note in a while, but wanted to say "hi". I LOVE your sheep! I referred to your blog in my posting today, and included a pic of your banner. Hope that was okay.
Have a super week!
Betty :)
ps - I've never seen a Hobby Lobby ... I'll have to check if there are any in Oregon.
What a wonderful company Hobby Lobby is! Thanks for signing up for my giveaway and good luck!
Thanks so much for the link. I usually give aways prints, but this one is an original painting. Good luck!
What sweet sheep! They will look lovely for your Easter decor!
Such cute lambs. And the orchids in the previous post ... my but they are stunning. You have a very green thumb.
Sounds like you've been busy and will have pretty flowers as your reward. I did see that ad. I think it's great!
I love your new lambs. I wish I had time to go shopping for some.
Enjoy your great weather!
I love your header - and you know how much I love yellow depression glass! Enough to collect it, too. The Hobby Lobby ad is the best I've seen so far. We don't have Hobby Lobby in Oregon. Late last week I heard an interview with the founder of Hobby Lobby and was so impressed by his testimony. Makes me want to shop in his stores! Thank you for sharing the ad with us today. ~Adrienne~
Good morning, dear Katherine:-)
I just love your front door decor, what a fabulous idea to put flowers in a metal wall pocket instead of a wreath! The flowers look so real!!
Our planting season isn't until the end of May/early June but I do have tulips, daffodils, crocuses and irises coming up. Only the crocuses are in bloom right now but another couple of weeks and the others should be in bloom.
We don't have Hobby Lobby here in Canada which is a shame because I always love what other bloggers have bought there:-) Those two little lambs are simply adorable. As for names, I like Bunty and Lambchop!!
Enjoy your week:-) xoxo
I just stopped by to say hello and see all the pretty things you always have on your blog*! Looking forward to even more*!
(((Hugs))) _Ashley*
I saw the Hobby Lobby ad too and thought it was great. Hope you had a great day today.
Hugs, Rhondi
I have enjoyed my first visit here. I love lambies : ) i saw your post on sending in tea and the tea parties. I attended a huge one here in MI. It was awesome.
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