Today I'm sharing something very special to me. This tea pot, and coffee pot were my mother's. When I went to my hometown in May for my class reunion I stayed with my sister. She gave me several items that had been my mother's. I had wondered what had happened to these items. A neat story - my mother had given them to my brother many years ago. My brother loved antiques, especially things that had been in the family. He died of a heart attack in 1984 at age 52. His wife has had these pieces all these years, and she decided to give them back to our family! I'm so thankful she did this! My sister isn't into tea and tea parties like I am and she told me to take what I wanted. There's about eight pieces, some bowls and casseroles, and a ball water pitcher. I remember mother using the water pitcher a lot. It is a big round water pitcher with the above design on it. This design is from the Jewel Tea Company. Back in the 40s the Jewel Tea Company delivered to your house. My mother bought these from the truck that came around often, probably monthly. I vaguely remembered her having the tea pot and had wondered if she really did, or if I just thought she did. She did indeed! There it is! And now it is here in my house with me!! I really didn't have any room for this, and they aren't so much my colors, but I couldn't turn down this opportunity, and the memories! I wanted the ball water pitcher and may get it someday, as my sister didn't really care what I took. I only took these two pieces, she also had a larger coffee pot, and I took the smaller one. The tea pot is the large Aladdin Tea Pot, it still has the glass infuser inside. I'm very excited about it because of the unusual shape! These may not be valuable to others, but to me they are treasures!Click on the Jewel Tea Autumn Leaf link for an interesting article about Jewel Tea.
I hope you enjoyed seeing some of my family memories. I have a few more things I brought back from Alabama that I will be sharing soon.Katherine
I had a friend in Wisconsin who had the hugest collection of this pattern. I am sure she still has it. I have my grandmothers bowl that was Jewel tea - it is the (well, I don't know how to tell you cause I can't spell the word!)
silhouette pattern (thank you Websters). I LOVE that Tea pot...you can use that one when I come to tea, or...any of your other many gorgeous ones!
Oh how fun! Jewel Tea was very popular here in Alabama. My grandma used to buy from Jewel Tea all the time.
What a neat story of how you got the pieces! That is so special!
I've seen this pattern before. It is so pretty and awonderful memory of your mother. I didn't know the pieces were purchased from a truck!
Kathy (mimisgarden.blogspot.com)
So nice that your sister-in-law gave these back to the family and now you are enjoying them and the memories them brings back.
Elegant. . .beautiful. . .and so precious because it belonged to your mother. I'm glad it's come home to a safe place with you. I know you will cherish it and the memories that fill your mind each time you use the set. Thank you for sharing from your heart, Katherine.
Aren't those pieces so pretty! I have the coffee pot, a bowl, a platter and a set of 8 glasses. I'm not really a collector, but just picked them up at yard sales because I think they are pretty. The lady who used to babysit me when I was little had the entire set and used them everyday. What fun memories.
Hi Katherine,
I think the piecces are very pretty and you are so right. You can't pass up the memories they bring each time you see them.
Thanks for your comments on my blog today.
I have just the thing to go with these...I have the leaf set in/on candle holders and salt/pepper shakers!!
My show n tell isn't what I had planned to do this week, the hurricane Dolly prevented me to have much online time this week since the time I did have was updating on the storm coming through our area. Next week, I hope to have my 'tears' show n tell. This week, I opted with photos I had on the computer already - bric a brac in our master bath. Come by if you can. I'd love a visit from you...and, HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND.
I enjoyed hearing about your mother's tea set and seeing how lovely it is, Katherine.
I have some of my grandmother's china but I'm still patiently waiting for the tea/coffee set that goes with it. One of my aunts took it not caring to whom it was to go after grandmother's death. It's ok though, I don't need it to get to heaven. lol
My heart is smiling today...how wonderful the collection came back to you! My parents collected together, they have some very unique and hard to find pieces...one day they will go to me :) Cherish them and use them as your Mother would want you to, perhaps at your next family gathering...just for fun and memories :). Thank you for sharing your beautiful Jewel Tea.
Have a Fantastic Friday!
Kathi :)
I am so glad these items came back to you with their wonderful memories!
What a great story and the tea pots are beautiful :)
HI Katherine,
I recognized the Jewel tea items right away. Dear's mother purchased some of these items also. I have her set of custard cups. I'm so happy for you that they made their way back to your home! enjoy...
My mom has some Jewel Tea pieces. I'll have to ask her where she got them!
I remember Jewel Tea. You are blessed to get these, Katherine, as they are real treaures and valuable ones at that.
These are beautiful!! My mother has a few pieces of this and I love them.
Patty H.
It is great when family items are kept over the years. Sooner or later these heirlooms find their way to family members who will appreciate and treasure them.
I love Jewel Tea...both of your pieces are so pretty and I really like their shapes. I think they are even more special being family treasures. Hugs, Linda
I recently acquired my mother-in-laws Jewell Tea Tea pot, water pitcher, and salt & pepper shaker. I tried serving her tea in the tea pot, but it was very heavy when full of tea. It sits on my shelf now and I just enjoy it.
My Grandma had this pattern too, but her whole set went to my aunt. I can remember the jewel Tea salesman coming to her house when I was quite small.
Love your teapot!
Such beautiful dishes and very special treasures! I'm so glad your brother's wife made sure they stayed in the family!
Oh, I remember the Jewel Tea things. I was just a little kid, but I do remember. My mother never got any of the items, but we heard a lot about it. How neat that you have these pieces.
I hope you'll drop back by my blog to see the introduction to our new blog for Spiritual Sundays. We're really excited about it.
Blessings & Hugs,
Neat story. Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely!!! They sure are treasures and lovely. That was so wonderful that your brother's wife returned them to the immediate family:)
So pleased that you got these pieces as I know that you will treasure them. I love the tea pot's shape!!!
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