I didn't even think about telling about the back of the plates until Nikki asked me, I should have done that! The little one is actually a small bowl, maybe a small dessert dish. On the back it has LIDO. Under that is W.S. George, then under that is Canarytone. Under that is Made in U.S.A. and under that 142A. I have looked it up and found that Lido and W.S. George Canarytone is on Ebay, it is a pretty pale yellow, there are other designs, didn't see any little cottages though.
On the back of the platter is:Royal Chester, Made in Japan. It is inside almost a circle, with a leaf branch on either side, like an insignia. Below the insignia is Ogden. The leaf branch is gold, the inside is aqua. I also didn't think about trying to find any of this on the net. I found some of this on Replacements. I'm tempted to order some -- like I really need it, you know!! LOL!
PTL!! I have a Praise the Lord! I went to the cardiologist today and was given a clean bill of health!!! Thank you Lord, for answered prayers! He said I passed all the tests, and my heart is NORMAL!! I'm so grateful! Now we can go on vacation and really relax! I can go about my normal pace, it has been tough "taking it easy" which my primary care doctor recommended. I'll have to see her again when we return, probably go another route to continue searching for reasons why my arms still tingle, hurt, and go numb (at different times.)
Joe goes to the VA Hospital for a routine check-up. We're hoping/praying for a good report for him too!
Thank you for your prayers!!
Wonderful news about your appointment today, Katherine! I enjoyed seeing your lovely dishes. The cottage scene looks like a place I'd like to live. :0)
I am so happy for your good news! Yeah!!!
So thankful for your good report!!!
Oh, Katherine, what a wonderful answer to prayer! God is faithful!
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