Today I'm sharing a Locket Pin that I've had since childhood. The locket opens and has a place for four small photos. It still has the same photos of my mother and father that I put in all those years ago. I think back then it must have been hard to find photos small enough for the locket and that is why I never used the other two. I've always liked this pin and still wear it sometimes!

What a keepsake!
What a treasure!
I love our locket pin. Such a wonderful reminder of the days gone by!
Thanks for sharing,
I love it -- so pretty and feminine! I love that you've had the same pictures of your parents there all these years.
What a wonderful keepsake and it's so great with your parents photos in it. Blessings..
What a sweet piece of jewelery to hold your parents' photos. One doesn't often see a locket in pin form.
What a treasure that is. Lovely.
How beautiful. A real treasure. Hope things are well/on an even keel at your place.
Blessings and bliss
Wow, that truly has some great sentimental value indeed!!! The photo of your father----is it Military?
My show n tell is posted. Won't you drop by for a visit if you can find time in your day? I'd love to have you over.
Love that locket. Neat little keepsake indeed.
That's really neat. I love it!
So pretty and very unique that there are four slots for pictures! I love lockets. Thanks for sharing yours with us.
Wow, so pretty! What a beautiful treasure. It is so sweet that you still have the same pictures in it!
Thanks for sharing! Sharon
What an adorable locket. It's great that you have kept it since you were small.
Such a special little locket and I love the fact that you always kept those two photos of your parents in it! xo
Oh, what a lovely treasure! It's beautiful and I love how you have the pictures of your parents inside!
ok that is SO lovely ~ What a beautiful keepsake!
To answer your question about the picture I showed today. Yes, it is curved glass. I didn't know it had a special name. I know Mickey's niece told him the frame was VERY valuable as an antique. Of course, that picture will never be taken out of that frame!!!
Thanks for your interest :o)
Aren't you glad you never changed out the photos. What a sweet treasure.
Pretty--is it made of real gold? cool that you still have the orginal photos you placed there!
How lovely.
That is so lovely! And the pictures too! I don't know that I've ever seen one with places for FOUR photos. It's special that you've always had the same photos in it.
That locket is exquisite! It is particularly special that you have had the same photos of your parents in it all these years. Nice Show and Tell!
That is just amazing! What a very special treasure. You know, with the copy machines we have these days you can copy photos and they come out very nicely.
I have found that if you copy a black and white photo on a COLOR copier the shades and dimensions of the black and white come out so well.
Plus you can make pictures larger ... or in this case smaller ... to fit into your locket.
Just in case you have photos you want to put in the other two frames.
This is so neat. I'd wear it too.
This is one of the neatest little pins - I want one!! LOL. What a great place to keep photos of your mum and dad. :)
What a beautiful heirloom! I love that. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much for your very sweet comment to my blog... The locket is adorable, pieces like this can mean so much and are near and dear to our hearts....
I sure hope you drop by for another visit. Have a wonderful weekend...
That is just beautiful! Now you need photos of you and your loved one for the other two slots!
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