Kelli at is hosting Friday's Show and Tell. Go there to see many more! Today I'm sharing a lace collar I've had for many years. I love all kinds of lace and when I found this lace collar at an antique store I bought it. I used to sew a lot of my clothes, and I attached this collar to different dresses. It can be worn like this:
The lace collar can be crossed with a brooch.

That is a gorgeous collar!
Hello Katherine,
This is a lovely collar. Thanks for sharing it. I one ivory lace collar which can be worn with a brooch or looped over itself. Another is a gift from a friend and is from Germany. It is a small white cotton and lace design in the shape of a Peter Pan collar.
The ivory collar hangs on the inside of the door of my bedroom where I display a long dress, vintage hat and beaded evening bag.
Oh, that is so pretty! It is neat how you can use it in so many different ways.
I love your table and lamp and all your other decorations on the table! You have pretty things!
Hugs, Sharon
Lovely lace collar. I can remember seeing my Grandma wear one years ago, but I don't know what ever happened to it.
Your bedside display is charming :)
More of your beautiful things, Katherine. Your lace collar is so charming. This item goes in and out of fashion so the real trick is to look after it so well that when the pendulum swings in its favour you have a wonderful antique to wear! Do hope and pray that all is well at your place.
Blessings and bliss
Mmmmmmmmmm, I love it!!! I could sure see me wearing the collar with a cameo!! LOL
It's beautiful. And I love the effect it makes on the lampshade...very true to your decor/accents!!!
Happy Weekend. And enjoy this week's show n tell!!!
How beautiful your lace collar is. What a great way to keep it on display.
I love anything with lace on it. That would add a lot to even a plain shirt. Casual to dressy very fast.
Take care,
I use to love wearing the collars. Your displaying yours on the lamp is such a clever idea. I'll have to try and find some way to display my 50 year old pearl collar:o)
That really is a neat way to display the lace.
So pretty. I think women dressed so pretty back in the day ;) when they wore pretty lace and brooches. Thanks for sharing your lace collar with us.
I found several lace collars when I helped to clean out 106 year old Aunt Beulah's home. I couldn't figure out what they were. My MIL explained but I still couldn't quite see how they were used. After all these years, today I understand!
I love the way you've used yours to decorate your bedside lamp.
The multi purpose lace collar! I love it. I think pretty lace is so feminine. I am sure you looked beautiful with it around your shoulders.
Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.
The lace collar is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. It looks lovely on the lampshade in your master bedroom.
Very pretty collar! I like it on the lampshade, what a great idea.
What a very clever way to display such a lovely piece.
Hi again...
Just left Mary's blog that you directed me to view. [Love the witches hats! And so simple to make!!!!]
Thanks for all the compliments. You made my day much brighter!!!
[and cute caption in your grandson's card too!!!!]
Such a beautiful vintage lace collar...I love the different ways you showed how to wear it!! Even draped over the lamp shade, it looks good:-)
I'm really attracted to lace. It's so delicate and pretty. Have a great weekend.
Great way to display the lace collar!
My grandmother crocheted me a collar that I never wore and now she has passed. YOU have encouraged me to get it out and find a use for is somewhere. It looks great on that lamp.
Oprah was a fun thing to do. Alot of planning, driving and time away. It was the event of this month for sure!
That's very pretty, and I also like how you display it draped on the lampshade.
I didn't have much time for visiting the show & tell participants on Friday so I'm doing so this afternoon:-)
What a nice and elegant way to display your lance collar now! I like that - and I LoVe all kind of lances, too - the older, the better!
Unfortunately, my sewing skills are not that good to sew my own cloth....
Have a great week-end - although it's almost over!
Best wishes from Germany,
Beautiful lace collar! Thank you for sharing the photos!
It's beautiful. It looks lovely draped on your lamp, too.
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