Your are invited to a party!
Time for Kelli's Show and Tell, click on her name to see many more fun things.I have been waiting to show my grandson's birthday party, and now decided to share it on Show and Tell since it was a bit unique. My daughter, Ashleigh loves cupcakes and did her son, Caden's birthday party with the cupcake theme. I wondered if she would be able to find cupcakes that weren't done in pink, but look at all she found!
Ashleigh made this large cupcake shaped cake from scratch! She bought a big cupcake cake pan. The bottom was on one side, and the top part on the other side of the pan. It is two pieces put together. She put a round cardboard between them to make it easier to slice.
You can see how big the cake is by comparing it with the regular sized cupcakes. Also look at the cupcake confetti on the table. The color scheme was blue and green.
Cake, ice cream, tiny crackers, and cupcake-shaped cheese slices were served with juice.
Above is the cupcake shaped cheese cut with the little cupcake cookie cutter.
Cupcake banner. She also had cupcake clings stuck on the windows and glass door.
Cupcake balloon with the green and blue balloons
The party favor bags
The goodie bags contained cupcake stickers, blow-out whistle, cupcake zipper pull, cupcake cookie cutter, cupcake magnet, cupcake lollipop, and special green and blue M&Ms.
Close-up of the cupcake cookie cutter, cupcake zipper pull, cupcake magnet, and cupcake lollipop.
The M&Ms have "Caden is two" on one side, and his picture on the other side! Can you see his little face? Below is a close-up.
The party was held at Kindermusik (at the Fine Arts Academy) You can check to see if there is one in your area, they are all over.
The little kids played musical instruments, and sang songs with animation. They even sang some songs in Spanish and German! They had so much fun! Notice he has a little cupcake pin on his collar.
The game above is a "parachute" game to keep a ball bouncing on the parachute. They loved this!
The cake and refreshments were served on these little trays.
Ashleigh's shirt even had cupcakes on it!Below is a cupcake game she found online.
He matches up the stars, moon, etc to each cup in the "pan." Cute and educational.
Below is Caden's giant inflatable cupcake! We use it yearly to measure his height.

The "birthday boy" cupcake below is on a little t-shirt he wore to day care
I hope you enjoyed seeing all these birthday party ideas, maybe you can use them for your child or grandchild. Our granddaughter, Elisabeth, had her 2nd birthday two weeks after Caden. She had an Elmo theme. I will show her party photos in a day or so. I also have cute pictures of her in the tu-tu I gave her, and pictures of the tea party we had with her.KatherineBelow is a picture of Caden reading his ABC book with "KK" before bedtime. He just loves it! All my grandchildren call me KK.
What a lovely birthday party! Everything was so well planned, creative, and pretty! Happy Birthday to Caden! My sons are Kindermusik graduates --- and loved it too! But of course they are 18 - 21 years older than your little grandie!
Thank you so much for sharing!
That is so cute. I cannot believe the picture on the M&M's. Really, that is one of the cutest b/d party ideas ever.
What a clever, clever cake idea! It's awesome. How fun for your grandson. And those M&M's with his picture --wow! My kids are now teen-agers, but if my sisters in law ever ask me for ideas for the little nieces and nephews this is a great one to share.
What a unique theme Caden had for his birthday and how creative Ashleigh is to have coordinated everything. It looks like the children had a wonderful time.
What a cute birthday party. And some amazing ideas. She must have planned for months.
Thanks for sharing it.
Have a great day.
Katherine, her party theme was so cute! I enjoyed looking at the pictures and reading about it. Those ABC books were a wonderful idea. A treasure they can keep. You are a keeper of memories! How blessed your grandchildren are to have their KK.
Three words....OH MY GOSH!!!
This was all just so neat. I love the idea of a cupcake 'theme'. And that huge cupcake cake with the big gigantic 2 on it is just too good.
Great stuff.
My show n tell is all about baskets this week. I do hope you can find time to stop by! Happy weekend to you.
What a darling party. I love all the cupcake details. Ashleigh did a beautiful job on the big cake. I liked seeing the sippy cups on the food table ;-)
What an adorable theme. Everything was just precious. She did a lot of planning and it payed off. Cute! Cute!
HOW CUTE!!! I may have to remember this idea!! That is too too cute!
Since you daughter loves cupcakes does she has the Wilton cupcake stand? If not you need to check it out. She would love it!! You can go to and look up cupcake stand.
Oh that is just too cute, I love the big cupcake.
What a creative and fun birthday party! So many wonderful ideas and the cupcake cake is my favorite part! So cute!
I love that they call your KK, that is special! What a neat party theme. I love that cupcake-cake! Some one very smart thought of that! My fav is the stack of throw away sippy cups! Smart smart! I'm sure they all had fun!
What a neat birthday party! I love the way the cupcake theme is carried out in so many ways.
WOW! Your grandson is very blessed to have you in his life. This is a wonderful take on a theme. I'm always baking cupcaks of all kinds for parties (eaiser to serve),however I never used it as the theme. Hum, might need to borrow this idea for our yearly halloween birthday party (we have 2birthdays that fall on halloween). Thank you ever so much sharing this.
Great party! Looks like the liitle one enjoyed it. I didn't know until a few months ago that cupcakes were all the rage now.
Oh how fun!!!!
Hey KK; I just loved the party photos. Caden is such a cute little man. And your daughter where did she ever find all the cupcake things. She did such a beautiful job on the party. She should hire her self out to set up birthday theme parties for people, she would do very well. Thanks for sharing;
Have a great long weekend.
Thanks so much for the sweet comment and coming by to visit.
BTW I forgot to mention this morning I love the cookie cutter cheese.
I have to keep this wonderful party idea in mind.
It was so neat and creative.
Thanks again for coming by.
Have a Blessed weekend.
Hi Katherine,
What a neat birthday party. I have never seen a cupcake cake before. And making the theme of the party being all about cupcakes was a good idea. Thanks for making us part of it.
AW!!!!!!!Too cute!! Those were the days!!! Enjoy them!!!
The party settings are delightful!
I'm glad you had me look further back in the posts so now I see your adorable grandson - how sweet he is! What a grand party too!
WOW! I can't beleive all the cupcake stuff she found, how fun! Love the blue and green. Those m&ms...way cool!
What a sweet pic of "KK" and Caden.
Happy Birthday Caden!
What a great theme! I love cupcakes too :) The inflatable cupcake and the personalised M&M's are an awesome addition to the theme! I wonder if I can get them here in Australia?
what a great party!! i have the same cupcake pan & would LOVE to know how you frosted the bottom portion. yours looks like some sort of a glaze instead of frosting.?.? when ever i frost my bottom w/ normal buttercream it just doesn't look nice. if you wouldn't mind could you drop me an email & let me know what you used?? thanks in advance for your time!!
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