I have been waiting for March to post my St. Patrick's Day decorations. We are not Irish, but I like to have a little green in honor of St. Patrick's Day. Above: The St. Patrick's Day vignette on the hall tree in our foyer. (Secret: I used the same hurricane vase and tulle used for Valentine's Day, just removed the red things and added the green!)
This little Happy Shamrock guy frolicks in a basket full of shamrocks. This hat basket is being used as a centerpiece on our dining room table.
The little Leprechaun hides among the shamrocks in this vase.
Close-up of the little Leprechaun, he has tiny spool legs!
Definition of Leprechaun: A mischievous elf of Irish folklore, believed to reveal the hiding place of treasure if caught!
Isn't he cute? (Secret: the green shamrock decorations are really elastics for pony tails! I bought them at the dollar store!) I believe they are called hair bungees.
Top 'o the morning, to you!! Please return return soon!
Good Day to you! This partly Irish girl with the Irish eyes that smile is enjoying your St. Paddy's decorations. I don't have any but will soon start putting our Spring decorations. Today it's off to the garage to clean, toss, sort and organize. Ugh! What a huge job but will be nice when it's done. I'll be by again soon to see what you're up to. ~Adrienne~
Cute decorations. How creative you are and at little cost. I don't do St. Patrick's Day decorations just because I'm too lazy! LOL Also not Irish! I've enjoyed yours though!
Love your St. Patty day decorations. My two oldest boys love the holiday. They have a small amount of Irish in them on my exhusbands side. But they just say they are Irish and go crazy for St. Patricks day! I was very dissapointed when I realized that Easter was falling in march this year too. That means the green will have to come down in time for the eggs and bunnies.
Always enjoy visiting your blog! Happy St. Pat's Day! to you too! And I am IRISH as my "G" grandmother was a McKeown! I like all you have done with your blog in honor of the day! Love how you change the decor to fit the holiday! You make my day! :o) Karyl
I just have one lonely little St. Patrick's Day decoration myself. It's a little St. Pat's Fairy holding a shamrock garland. St. Patrick's Day day gets cheated this year with Easter following it in 6 days!
Katherine, Your St Pat's banner looks great. Hope you are enjoy it. You are a delight to work with! Thanks again for your banner orders. Blessings ~Mary~:-} PS your decorations are lovely!
Over the years I have done a different Thanksgiving centerpiece each year. This year I'm using my velvet pumpkins again. I added red ros...
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Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Your image and taught us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we ask You, that during our journeys through the internet, we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to You and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Photo compliments of Amy http://TheCottageGate.blogspot.com check out her beautiful blog! Thanks, Amy for allowing me to use this photo from your yard!
Good Day to you! This partly Irish girl with the Irish eyes that smile is enjoying your St. Paddy's decorations. I don't have any but will soon start putting our Spring decorations. Today it's off to the garage to clean, toss, sort and organize. Ugh! What a huge job but will be nice when it's done. I'll be by again soon to see what you're up to. ~Adrienne~
Katherine, you always have the cutest decorations. No St. Paddy's for me. Never got into it. But I sure enjoy seeing yours...ceekay
I just LOVE your decorations. I am busy trying to get my Easter decorations together to put out. You are just do TOGETHER my dear.
Hi Katherine,
Cute decorations. How creative you are and at little cost. I don't do St. Patrick's Day decorations just because I'm too lazy! LOL Also not Irish! I've enjoyed yours though!
Can you believe it's March already??
Katherine, I love your St. Patrick's Day decorations. Of course, I love green, period. Anything green. It is one of my favorite colors.
Have a good week.
Oh, we feel the luck o' the Irish! Love all your wonderful decorations!!
kari & kijsa
Love your St. Patty day decorations. My two oldest boys love the holiday. They have a small amount of Irish in them on my exhusbands side. But they just say they are Irish and go crazy for St. Patricks day! I was very dissapointed when I realized that Easter was falling in march this year too. That means the green will have to come down in time for the eggs and bunnies.
Those decorations are so pretty and cute.
Always enjoy visiting your blog! Happy St. Pat's Day! to you too! And I am IRISH as my "G" grandmother was a McKeown! I like all you have done with your blog in honor of the day! Love how you change the decor to fit the holiday! You make my day! :o)
How cheery and so cute. I should do that! xoRachel
I like your Irish decorations...and the faith bracelet also.....
We are excited about Marion and John's visit....and thankful....
Thanks for visiting me and the Potter family...Betty
I just have one lonely little St. Patrick's Day decoration myself. It's a little St. Pat's Fairy holding a shamrock garland. St. Patrick's Day day gets cheated this year with Easter following it in 6 days!
Katherine, Your St Pat's banner looks great. Hope you are enjoy it.
You are a delight to work with!
Thanks again for your banner orders.
Blessings ~Mary~:-}
PS your decorations are lovely!
That is so cheery and sweet! Thanks for showing us!
Top o the morn'n to you too! Cute decorations! Very springy and fun!
:0) Sharon
Happy March to you too, Katherine! Your bits of green are so fun and I especially like the little elf. :0)
I don't believe I have a single St. Patrick's Day decoration so I really enjoyed seeing yours.
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