Today is a sad day at our house. Our beloved dog, Dody, had to be put to sleep. He was diagnosed three months ago with a tumor on his bladder and we were advised to put him down then. We chose to let him live as he was still playing and acting normal. Last week he stopped eating and hasn't eaten but a few bites in a week. He wouldn't even eat ice cream that he loved. He started shaking a lot, throwing up, wouldn't leave the sofa, and didn't want to go outside, even for a ride in the car or a walk with Joe he has loved to do so much. We knew it was time to stop being selfish by keeping him alive because we couldn't bear to lose him. This has been one of the most painful things in our lives.
Joe and Dody have loved each other more than any two I have ever seen. Joe found Dody at the Humane Society and came home to tell me about him. I didn’t want a dog, I especially didn’t want a male dog, or a white dog. I was used to dogs with ears that hang down, not pointed up ears! I finally went to the Humane Society to see him and fell in love with him then. He soon captured my heart and I loved having him around. I especially liked seeing the love between he and Joe. I read somewhere that pets help prolong your life. I wanted him to help Joe have better health!
Dody was a good dog, he didn’t bark much (except when it thundered!) He didn’t jump up on people. He loved our visitors and always wanted to sit beside them or at their feet.
Ten days ago my daughter, Ashleigh, had to go through this same thing with their 15-year-old cocker spaniel, Kasie. Kasie was always such a sweet dog and never gave anybody any trouble.
If there’s a doggie heaven, and I hope there is, I hope he is there now playing with other dogs. There must be a doggie heaven, a reward for dogs like Dody and Kasie for giving such unconditional love. Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with these dogs!
Joe and Dody, a few weeks ago, Memorial Day weekend.
My daughter, Ashleigh, and her pretty dog, Kasie.
Katherine, Again, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. What wonderful memories you have of Dody and some very cute pictures, too.
It is very, very hard losing a pet and my heart goes out to you and Joe as well as your daughter. I had to put my beloved Murphy to sleep three years ago and spent the rest of the week crying everyday. We got another dog who's my baby but I'll never forget Murphy.
Lots of hugs to you!
So sorry to read about your dog. What a cutie pie he was.
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment so I could meet you :o) I'll be back.
Dody is such a cute dog, and I'm so sorry about your losing him. You brought joy into his life, as he brought joy into yours.
Hi- I found your blog through Becky at The Butler's Wife. I'm so sorry about your loss. Your Dody was so beautiful and I'm sure you feel her absence terribly. I'm glad that she gave you and your husband so much joy. I hope that the good memories will help you cope through these hard days.
Thanks to all of you for your sweet compassionate messages about Dody.
Katherine, you remain in my thoughts. Dody was such a darling. I just wish I had been able to meet him in person. Hugs to both you and Joe.
I am so sorry! (((HUGS)))
So sorry for your loss of Dody, I know that he was a much loved dog. He was also so sweet.
Kathy and Joe!
Our hearts are saddened to hear of Dody's death. He was such a sweet dog and we were so happy for the two of you to have him to enjoy. We will always remember him and we will always be happy that we had a part in naming him! Remember that we mentioned "Dody" as a name and both of you liked it? We also remember the day we went with the two of you to take him to the Vet when he had the rash and ALL 5 of us (including Dody) eating ice cream on the way home! We are sending loving thoughts to the two of you, and prayers for comfort.
We love y'all, Walter and Judy B
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