Southern Candymakers, a little hole in the wall, but the candy they make fresh daily is the very best!

There she is, caught in the act on her daily trek! The building is even her favorite color!!

Maybe they aren't beautiful, but they are filled with delicious fresh pecans! My mouth waters just looking at them!!

This was a favorite pastime in N.O. I was the self-appointed judge who set out to find the very best praline in the French Quarter! I've always called them pray-leens, but in N.O. they are called praw-leens! I didn't care what they were called, as long as I could eat them at least once a day! I sampled all the different stores claiming to have the best, but came to the conclusion Southern Candymakers was the very best!! So good I went there daily and bought two, sometimes three pralines!! Joe doesn't like them so I didn't have to share with him!
These little bad boys were $9.00 for a HALF-pound! I had to bring back at least a weeks supply! I also brought some to a few of my favorite people! Needless to say, I was broke when we returned! But I was happy! ---- Fat and happy!!
Hey Katherine! They are pray-leens here in Geogia too! Don't you just find the best stuff in hole in the wall places....food, junk....everything else! Yum... Makes me hungry....
Sorry, that is G-e-o-r-g-i-a, not Geogia....
Ooh..those look so yummy!!
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