While we are still staying in during the pandemic
we try to think of some fun things to do.
Since we live near the beach, we sometimes
grab a sub or a pizza and go to the beach
to eat it. There are picnic tables along
the road (A1A) with easy access.
Joe took a picture of me after we ate:
We didn't wear our masks there, but we
did put them on just to take pictures.
Here's one of Joe in his mask!

Our friend, Janice, made these masks for us!
We love the choice of fabric she used.
Thanks, Janice!
I entertain myself playing on the computer
with Pinterest and FaceBook.
Here are some picnic pictures I posted on
FaceBook of neat looking picnics!
My FB friends and I go on virtual
with sharing pictures found on Pinterest.
Since we can't travel we have to take a virtual
trip! Have a virtual picnic! Pretend!
Ride your bikes to a picnic area!
We didn't eat on the sand at the beach like this,
Or this
but, we enjoyed sitting on the picnic table,
eating our subs, and enjoying the fresh
ocean breeze!
I hope you enjoyed seeing the virtual picnics!

Looks like a lovely place to have a picnic. Your masks look great, Nice choice of patterns.
Your masks are so nice. I love all the photos you post.
Loving all the pictures and how cute you both look in your masks. Marty would like the red, white and blue one for sure. Loving those picnic pictures and girl...you know I love me some beach! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
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