Highlights of our Christmas:
Christmas with my family didn't start until December 27th through the 31st. Below are some of the highlights of our fun times together!
Grandson, Caden (11) loves to help cook, here he is helping his Aunt Alyson make our "famous"
Spaghetti Pie!
He is layering the cheese and pepperoni with the cooked spaghetti
I also helped Caden make our "famous"
Chocolate peanut butter fudge!
Here he is serving it to his mom and his Uncle Dave:
Opening presents:
My middle grandson, Tanner, and his wife Heather
were also with us and since they are expecting their
first baby in June, we gave them a box of baby items
(all white since we don't know which it is yet!)
No it wasn't a toaster oven, just the box!
That's "Big Joe" my husband on the left!
Playing with presents:
One of Caden's gifts was a Nerf shooter and target
I forgot the name of this one:
Working a Christmas Puzzle:
Ashleigh and Dave love puzzles!
So does Tanner!
Alyson (left) is reading my Magnolia magazine!
"Impossible" Christmas Puzzle has identical Christmas trees:
The "Impossible" puzzle was finished in under 30 minutes!
Bowden, Tanner and Heather's dog was very good!
And one of our "Star" meals is
Biscuits and Gravy for breakfast!
We always have our "famous" cornmeal gravy with
biscuits, scrambled eggs, and (far left)
is some special NC sausage Shawn brought!
Speaking of Shawn (Caden's dad) He isn't in any of the pictures,
so here's one of him being served fudge!
Somehow I missed getting Heather, Tanner's wife in the pictures,
here's one at their wedding three years ago!
We loved having my family here with us,
but the visit was too short!
I hope you enjoyed your holidays as much as we did!
Happy New Year!

Looks like you had a wonderful family Christmas. So nice to see your family enjoying different projects. Most of our family also did a puzzle this Christmas.
Your family time looks like it was wonderful. There's nothing quite like having the family together. Happy New Year, my friend.
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