Today I'm joining Susan's Metomorphosis Monday, click on her name for lots more inspiration.
This is my daughter's Coffee Station. Can you see what it used to be? An old TV entertainment center. It is now a re-purposed coffee station. It was too pretty to throw away, so after a few years of storage, she had this idea to turn it into a coffee station. She and her friends love coffee and this was a great way to share in a practical and fun way.
Here's an old picture of the old TV in the stand (far right)
Now, how's this for a metamorphosis?
Isn't that great!
I love these mugs!
I painted her a little plaque to go on the coffee station:
Also teas are available!
The coffee station is right outside the kitchen.
And, here's my daughter, Alyson
Alyson has a new blog if you would like to check it out -
click here: WriteThemOnMyHeart -
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Katherine, what a sweet coffee bar. So darling. I saw a cute idea also about taking an old door, painting it and then a small table to sit in from of the door. The door had hangers for the coffee cups and the little table had enough room for coffee pot with all the fixings. It had a small drawer as well and hid the filters, and other things. It was adorable too. Love your painting girl! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
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