
Heart of the Home Party - Roosters

I always like to join in Sheila's Heart of the Home parties. This time she features roosters and chickens in the home. Click on her name for lots of fun rooster decor.

I don't really have many roosters and hens out in the house this summer, but will let them out of the hen house for a short time to attend this party! I'm sharing a few tablescapes I used roosters and chickens in.

I found this pretty white rooster at Home Goods. I think I'll do this tablescape again this fall.

This colorful rooster is from T.J. Maxx, one of my favorites! I used him when serving salsa and chips.
He really likes to strut his stuff!

A breakfast tablescape:

These little wooden roosters are from Dollar Tree.
Can't you almost hear him crowing!

I used my Dollar Tree "crystal" in this tablescape. The glass rooster candy dish makes the centerpiece.

This hen and baby chicks made at least two tablescapes:

Here they are as the centerpiece for a Chinco de Mayo tablescape.

Another hen centerpiece

With the hat:

Without the hat:

A bandana tablescape:

I never knew if this one is a rooster or chicken, just goofy looking and makes me laugh!

A few roos around the house:
This little rooster is made from feathers

This polka dot rooster rocks!
I wish you could see how he rocks, his feet stand still and his body rocks back and forth!

Rockin' Rooster!

A very pretty rooster!

This rooster came from Ross, only about $7.

The age old question: which came first the chicken or the egg??

Have fun at the rooster party! Thanks for visiting! Thanks, to Sheila for hosting!
P.S. - Thanks to all of you who helped me with my Dilemma (see post below!)

I'm also linking to Marty's Table Top Tuesday, and Susan's Tablescape Thursday, click on their names for lots more fun!


Unknown said...

Wow, so colorful!!!

Unknown said...


Thanks so much for your comment and for becoming a follower. I really appreciate it and am returning the favor!!


Terri said...

Beautiful! My mother collected roosters and chickens like yours. Each table is gorgeous, but my favorite it the first one in green and white, just stunning!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I enjoyed seeing all your Roosters on your table. I use mine in tablescapes also.

Anonymous said...

Hi Katherine! Oh, what wonderful colorful yard birds you have! I love it that you added scarves and hats too! :) You've really set some beautiful tables with these Roosters! Thank you so much for coming to my party.
You are a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Sarah said...

Katherine, it's fun to see all your chickens. Love the idea of using them in a tablescape.

Betty said...

Hi Katherine,
I was so pleased to see that you had been by and took the time to comment. I'm glad to 'see' you again also.

Your roosters are all gorgeous but I especially like the black and white dotted ones!

I believe your husband was unwell when last I was visiting with you. I pray all is well.

Blessings...Betty @ Country Charm

The Quintessential Magpie said...

What wonderful roosters, Katherine! I love them all, but those first two are absolutely stunning. Just the neatest!

I read the post below, and I have several things to say. Mr. Magpie did every single thing the doctors told him to do, never ate ANYTHING that they said not to eat, and he still had stones. He is very regimented, and if they had told him to stand on his head in the corner, he would have. He has battled them his whole life, but I think he might be the exception to the rule in terms of his diet. His doctor from Central Florida told him they needed to study him because he knew that Fred is so regimented!

Just be careful not to get a calcium deficiency. That nearly happened to him, and you have to have some calcium so that it won't leach out into your kidneys. Did they mention that to you? He's pleased with his doctors, and I have to say that I think I know urologists all over the state as we've been in quite a few ERs over the years. Someone told him to drink the juice of three lemons in a gallon of water, and I've heard good things about them. Seems that's on your list. Good luck in finding the right mix for your body.

I'm so sorry you had such a bad time of it, Katherine. He had a terrible time this last go around with the stent remaining in for over a month, nearly two. And he had a rough time after the procedure. Lots of pain. The stone was 8 mm. But he has a soup that he is eating that seems to have given him his energy back.

I love herbal tea, so I'm okay with it. I was a coke drinker, but I gave that up years ago. Now, I only drink water and sometimes will have herbal tea. I'm pretty religious about it.



Debbie said...

I love all of your roosters! I have a few in my kitchen but not nearly as many as I'd like. Of yours, that really colorful one is my very favorite.

Lynn said...

All of your roosters are cute Katherine, they have so much character! The egg cup is adorable:@)

Shannon@Cozy Home Scenes said...

You have wonderful roosters and they look nice in the manner that you displayed them. They are so cheerful and colorful I'm sure it makes you happy looking at them. Shannon

Anonymous said...

Katherine,I think my favorite is the black polka dot,but I love 'em all.

Marigene said...

Beautiful collection of roosters/hens, Katherine. I love the white one sitting in the greenery...those napkins are some of the prettiest plaids I have seen!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

You know my fav is that polka dot guy!! You have some great ones!!

Susanne said...

Such pretty tables you set. Lovely birds all around, but I especially liked that carved hen with her chicks - wonderful!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Katherine, your roos are all wonderful. I just LOVE that gorgeous white one. So stately and so impressive. Your tablescapes are always lovely and so are all of your pics. Great collection. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

Ames said...

I really like your Roos. The one looks like a Jim Shore. I should display mine better.:( ~Ames

Cindy said...

Very fun, dear lady, I love all of your roosters and hens. But my favorite would have to be your "Rockin' Rooster". I love his black body with the lovely polka-dots!
Hugs, Cindy

Unknown said...

I am loving your collection Katherine but that egg cup with the chickie slippers cracked me up, lol.


bj said...

O, you have some adorable roosters and chicks...I am in luv with the one with black and white checks. I just pined your photo. :)

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said... have the most unusual collection of roosters I have seen so far. I love all of them but the polka dot roo really got my attention. I hope I run into one of those some day!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

p.s. I just read your previous post and I know how you feel. We drink green tea now also. I also could not eat some things I really love and berries etc. were some of them. I ignored what the doctor said and lost a foot of colon.
Do follow your list. I am sure you will as you told of your horrifying experience.
I wish I had some suggestions but other than to say be careful, I have no idea. I drink mostly coffee and just a cup in the morning. Otherwise it's the green tea for us.
Take good care, Katherine!

Betty said...

I am so happy to hear that your husband is cancer free! God is sooo good!

Our community suffered a terrible loss this week in an eight car pile up. Three dead and others injured...such tragedy.


Anonymous said...

I like your Roosters.
Mama Bear

Rettabug said...

You have a WONDERFUL collection of fowl feathered friends, Katherine! Each one is just delightful to see & read about how you've incorporated them into your lovely home.

I missed Shelia's party this year. Bummer! I finally GOT a few roosters & now I'll have to wait till next year. Chicken Poop!


Rettabug said...

I like your idea of doing a " "set up meme," prior to the "Tables For Two" party, Katherine! Perhaps along the lines of "Show us your dishes!"
I'll talk to Cherry Kay about it & see if we could do that.
Thanks for the idea!

Marlis said...

You have so many pretty, cute, darling, strutting roosters.. I love them all. Totally love your scapes with them. xo marlis

xinex said...

Love all your roosters, Katherine. I think I like the white and the dotted ones the most...Christine

The Tablescaper said...

You displays your roosters in so many different and colorful ways.

- The Tabescaper

Entertaining Women said...

Wow! You really DO need a hen have an amazing collection! They are wonderful. I'll ask Rett about the possibility of a set up meme. I wonder if eveeryone might go take another peek at The Tablescaper's "Where Do You Store It All?" Maybe she would post it again for us. I remember seeing things that I had in lots of people storage closets. Anyway, let us give it some thought. Thanks for sharing your wonderful Roos. Cherry Kay

Carole Burant said...

Your roosters are so delightful, every one of them! I love the way you used them in all the various tablescapes. The only rooster I have is made out of material and I only take it out at Thanksgiving, he sits there with his legs hanging down! lol

The Herbal Tetley tea I was telling you about, they have other flavours apart from the blueberry one. Hopefully you can find some, if not I can send you some to try, I have all the flavours:-) xoxo

Karin Şen Cankan said...

Your roosters are so beautiful and so many.

Thank you for sharing

Karin Şen Cankan

Alycia Nichols said...

WOW!!! What an incredible collection you have!!! I couldn't join the party because I don't have any roosters or hens. No wonder...YOU bought them all!!! :-) Have a great weekend, Katherine!

A Hint of Home said...

Hi Kathy, No I didn't catch that post about the tea. They told me at Emory that there are about 6 studies on what causes stones. None are conclusive. So I still enjoy ice tea occasionally. I do drink a lot more water.
Love all your tea things. Soooooo pretty!

Marilyn Miller said...

My favorite is that little egg cup. How cute is that!

Unknown said...

Katherine, these roo's are fabulous. They bring such color to any setting.

Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY, for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.

Have a beautiful weekend.

Veronica said...

Your roos are devine and I adore the spotty balck ones! They are so cute!
