
Do you like Paula Deen, her TV shows, her recipes? I do. I think she is quite a character, she reminds me of my sister! I like rags to riches stories and although I don't think she was exactly in "rags" she does have an almost fairy tale type story -- and riches, of course!
I treated myself to this decorating book mainly because we have an anniversary next week, and my birthday coming up next month, plus Mother's Day! My gift to myself, but my hubby does like me to select several things for my gifts! The book was $19 at Target (originally $29.99) I looked on Amazon.com and it's $17 something there.) No, I don't work for Paula, or get a commission if you buy the book, but don't you think I should at least get a free meal at her restaurant! LOL! We are going to Savannah next month. My daughters are treating me to a weekend of surprises there for my birthday and Mother's Day! Doesn't that sound like fun!
We have had a busy week with several doctor appointments out-of-town, sometimes hard to keep up with blogging! Where does all the time go??? I never get bored, never have any extra time on my hands!! I hope this week is a little better! What's going on in your life? I hope it's all good!
Have a happy day!
God Bless.
P.S. - A room in Paula's son, Bobby's house is also featured.
I love Paula Deen and blogged about her awhile back. She did have a rough start but has spunk as they say and has really made a great life for herself. I will put this on my wish list...maybe for my Birthday in June. Hey let me know if you get a free meal...LOL.
I have this book on hold at the Library. It looks wonderful--may have to buy it instead of waiting!! I love Paula too---she is so entertaining. Aren't you the lucky one--being treated to a weekend in Savannah. Maybe you'll run into Paula there. One of my daughter's friends saw her in a restaurant in Savannah and said Paula was a very sweet lady--took pictures with the family and visited with them.
Hope your Dr. visits were just routine and nothing serious. Have a great week.
I bought Paula's book when we were in Nashville and have only had a little glance through. I want to have a closer look this week. It looks like a beautiful book, from what I've seen.
I like Paula and especially so after reading It Ain't All About the Cookin'. She went through a lot!
Hi Katherine! Oh, I do love Paula Deen. She just makes me smile so much! I'm originally a southern belle - born in Alabama! I know I would love this book. I may have to think up a good excuse why I need it! ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
I like Paula Deen too. She is quite a character for sure. I love southern style too. Almost everything she cooks looks delicious and love the pictures in the book. I didn't know she had done this book. Thank you for sharing.
I didn't know she had a new book out. I like Paula. She is definately a character...but fun. We were able to eat at her restaurant a couple of years ago. I will have to keep my eye out for that book!
I bought that book the day it came out. Isn't it great! Thanks so much for the sweet comment on my blog post. I was slim only temporary while doing that work.
Hi Katherine...thank you for stopping by my blog and yes, the tea room was fabulous. if your ever in the Atlanta area give us a holler and we'll take you there...Paula Deen is such fun to watch and she just keeps getting prettier and prettier...I would love the name of her makeup artist!! I'm having a giveaway this week on the blog so stop back over....Sue @ Rue-Mouffetard
Love Paula, been to her restaurant and tour in Savannah. I got to see her at the National Book Festival this year. In person she is a beautiful lady! I will have to look into her new book. Thanks for sharing! Joan
Yes, I like Paula, who doesn't y'all?
Savannah is so much fun. Have you been to Lady & Sons?
Loved your tablescape with the initials.
Hi Katherine! Thank you for popping in to see me! I'm from Ft. Payne, Alabama - the home of the country group 'Alabama'. We lived there until I was 13 in 1964 then off to Texas!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi K,
Hope all went well with the doc appts.
I can take Paula for short bursts..
What a lovely book. I am drooling over the dockhouse. Oh, would I love to have that.
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