For Show and Tell I'm sharing some little birds in our house. The little wooden birds above are displayed on among the vintage luggage on top of our TV armoire in the family room. I bought them at Hobby Lobby last Christmas.

This pretty little ceramic cut-out bird can have a voltive inside it. I bought this one at Ross a few months ago for only $2.99!

I bought these two little birds at Hobby Lobby recently. They are displayed in different rooms next to little clocks. These birds are also cut-out.

I call this a little love bird, it has 3-D roses in the wing areas.

Maybe I should display the little birds outside among the flowers.

Here's another ceramic cut-out bird I bought just today on sale for $2.50 at Michael's.

I'm trying to decide whether to place it in a silk plant, or on an end table.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my little birdies!
Which is your favorite?
Would you display them inside, or outside?

Have a happy day!
God Bless.
Love-love-love all of your birds! You know...I'd be tempted to stuff them full of potpourri!
I enjoyed seeing all your beautiful little birds! Thanks you for sharing them.
This is my first time visit to your blog and I have enjoyed your little birds for Show and Tell. I love them all but especially the white one. I too, have little feathered friends perched about the house. Nice meeting you!
Kindly, ldh
How wonderful. Just looking at these photos gives off such a pleasant, wonderful and warm atmosphere. Love it.
My Show N Tell this week, is laser crystal art. Come on over if you can find time. Happy Friday.
Tweet Tweet - I love the bird on the armoire. Might be the entire grouping that's catching my eye, I love old suitcases.
Thanks for sharing!
I have all my birds out now also...but you have many more than me. I love those cut out ones from HL. I may have to look for those!
The one I like best is the last one from Michael's. It looks as if he's smiling.
Adorable birds! Love how you have them displayed.
I also am loving the old suitcases..;)
Have a Blessed Friday...Julie
Hi Katherine...
Ohhhh...this is just the sweetest post...I love all of your precious little birds!!! I was trying to decide on a favorite but I'm really hard pressed to do so...they're all so sweet, each in there own way!!! And I love how you've displayed them all!!!
Okay, if I had to pick a favorite it would probably be the little Christmas birds in the first photo...they're so pretty and I just love the vignette with the old suitcases...fabulous!!! I have to tell you that I just found 4 salad plates on ebay...they are Lenox Winter Greetings and they have little chickadees on them...they have the same color of background as your little Christmas birds! They would be so perfect with those new plates...I would love to find some like this!!! Oh shoot, I know I'm rambling...just had to tell you though! Hehe!!!
Thank you for sharing all of your sweet little birds with all of us today, my friend!!!
Warmest wishes,
PS...I was late getting over to see your tablescape...it's gorgeous! I left you a comment on that post! Also wanted to tell you that I love your header pic...such pretty pieces of the amber depression glass!!!
I love the white ones and I think I would put them on the porch. But the wooden ones appeal to me more.
Even though I have this Birdhouse, gardening theme going in my Living room, I only have one bird figurine.
Mama Bear
I love them all not matter where they are displayed!
Those are beautiful birds, Katherine! I want some now... I guess I'll be frequenting my faves again once we're all done with our necessary trips within the next few weeks...
Have a great weekend!
Hi, Katherine -
It's absolutely unreal how much you and I have in common! I decorate with birds and birdhouses in the Spring and Summer. Some of mine are out and others will be on display today (hopefully). Thanks for sharing your pretty birdies with us.
Happy Mother's Day, my dear friend.
May you have a wonderful Mother's day my friends...thanks for coming by...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
You have a very sweet collection going. I love birds and buy them from time to time. Trying not to get too carried away but they're very tempting ;-) "His eye is on the sparrow."
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