He gave his only begotten son
That whosoever believes in Him
Should not perish,
But have eternal life.
John 3:16
February is known for being heart month, and Valentine's Day for Love.
The greatest love of all is when Jesus died on the cross to save us all!
The greatest love of all is when Jesus died on the cross to save us all!

Excellent message. Simple, to the point and clear. Thank you. Yes, this is one of my favorite Scriptures.
Have a blessed Sunday Katherine :)
Happy Spiritual Sunday, Katherine!
Loved your post. Our greatest gift is Jesus! Thank you for sharing.
We serve a most loving God. Thanks for sharing about His love.
I tried to post a comment but I don't think it went through. I made the comment that Jesus certainly gave the greatest gift of all. Nothing else comes even close. Blessings,
Hi Katherine,
Thank you for reminding me of the greatest gift that was ever given to me.
How sweet for you to remind us at this time of year that the One who loves us most is our Heavenly Father. Thanks for sharing!
I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind but now I see.
Blesses Assurance - Jesus is mine!
Thanks for reminding me that Jesus is my true Valentine.
Amen; Thank you for sharing.
All I can ask for is God love! Thank-you for this wonderful post.
God Bless,
Loved the verse posted today, Katherine - my fathers favorite verse. And what a reminder every single day of Gods great and boundless love!
Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog regarding my post. I love what you said about the Lord wearing a crown of thorns! Never thought of that! Thanks again!
Very inspiritual and precious. Thank you for your lovely spiritual reminder of a love greater than any ever known to man.
Wow,love this display and what you wrote about it. SOOO true, His the greatest love!!
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