I have decided to start another blog! This one will be on The Power of Prayer! I'm so excited about having such a good response from so many of you about praying together as a group! This new blog will contain copies of all the prayer messages from my Yellow Rose Arbor blog (YRA) until it gets going well. I will eventually discontinue posting them on YRA, and just post them on The Power of Prayer blog. I will continue posting decorating and other fun things on the Yellow Rose Arbor blog. I hope you will join me on both blogs!
I have always tried to keep my YRA blog from being controversial about politics and religion, but now feel the Lord is calling me to take a stand and reach out to others about my beliefs. I believe in prayer, I believe in miracles! I have been in prayer groups for the majority of my life, and I have seen prayers answered, and miracles happen! I'm a firm believer in joining together in group prayer. "Where two or three have gathered together in My name there I am in their midst." Mt. 18:20
Women can change things with prayer! Back in the 70s I read a book "What Happens When Women Pray" and I put it to test, and found the principles true. Men are also welcome to join us in prayer as well, the more the merrier!
If you are not in agreement with my beliefs, then The Power of Prayer is not the blog for you, I suggest you move on to others that you are more compatible with. Believe me I haven't wanted to be stretched in this direction of talking about politics and religion, but I feel the Lord is leading me to do this, for the first time in my life! I can't sit any longer and let things happen to our country without fighting for it. I fight by praying!
Since this is such a risky subject putting myself out there for angry people to blast, I will moderate all comments before publishing them. Please do not let this stop you from leaving your kind messages!
On the Power of Prayer blog I have included the first controversial message I posted on my YRA blog on September 5, 2008 where I told about being a former Democrat, and why I changed.
I hope you enjoy this new blog and will participate with me on it. If you post something on your blog you want read by my blog followers, please let me know and I will post a link to your blog.
Thank you for your encouragement to be brave, to take a bigger step (giant step!) in this direction! I covet your prayers! There is power in prayers, especially group prayers, I need your prayer support!
Please read the next message below, following this one, it is very important and I need your to help with your prayers!
"Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in Heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst." Matthew 18:19, 20 NASB
Just finished praying!
I'm thrilled to here for the beginning of your new blog! God is calling people to be leaders, he needs people to take a stand. God bless you for taking action on His call!!
I truly believe in miracles!! I'm believing God for a miracle in this election....I'm on my knees.
Nothing, nothing is impossible with God!
Looking forward with anticipation for what good things will happen when we pray together!
On one of your blogs I did leave a comment saying that certainly I would join you in praying for our nation...I have been....I am very concerned for America but I know that prayer can change things....I wonder if God is going to give us what we deserve.....50 million abortions...can you fathom that?
It's great to hear of a blog devoted to the effectiveness of prayer.
Dear Katherine -
You know from our emails back and forth that I'm thrilled to see your new blog. I can't wait to see how God will use this means to draw us together as Christian women, centered on seeking His will through prayer. The great missionary William Carey said, 'God does nothing except in answer to prayer.' Uniting together in prayer is so exciting.
Dear Katherine...I believe we need to gather together for prayer for our nation also. And who you choose to support is your business & privilege...however, Democrats also can be praying for our nation. You should consider calling your blog
I've read what you say about Feminism, etc. and I know the pros & cons of both parties...your prayers are definitely in the Republican direction and mine would be that God's Will would be done in whomever HE CHOOSES as the newly elect. What is beautiful about USA, America, democracy is the freedom to live in Christ, the freedom we find brings us freedom no matter what our political preference.
May God be more open to All our petitions for there is power in prayer & Our Almighty holds the power! Not any politician! We do not have the right to tell God who or how, just that His will would be done! I will not say we have the right to choice or that freedom tells us to ignore other's choice because that sounds like I'm backing pro-choice or something against my personal beliefs. I am not pro-choice or feminist or anti- life...I pray for God's choice in each person's life and a nation that believes in our freedom based on Christ & the principles on which this country was founded! Religious freedom from nation's persecuting them for their religious choice!
This is the Word from DAILY MANNA from IBS for today:
Psalm 146:3-8
Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them--the LORD, who remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free, the LORD gives sight to the blind, the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down, the LORD loves the righteous.
Dear Anonymous, I'm sorry you were not courageous enough to sign your name. I have told that I am a former Democrat, and now a Republican. I have stated that if one isn't in agreement, to move on to another blog, there are millions of them out there.
I believe in SPECIFIC prayers, this is how I've always prayed, and always will.
I have expected to receive nasty replies from those not in agreement, at least yours wasn't bad enough to warrant being deleted, which I will do if they get nasty.
Anonymous sent another "reply" while I was typing the above message.
I am NOT going to participate in arguing, or battling with scripture, especially with someone who will not even sign their name.
I have changed to comment moderation, and will not publish any more of these replies.
Don't let anonymous discourage you. Whether you are Democrat or Republican makes no difference. We are all praying to the same God and He knows our hearts.
Glad you decided to start the new blog. I will visit as I can. Been really busy lately and have missed visiting with you.
OH Miss Kat!! I am proud of you!! I thank GOD for your gusto!
Thank you, Katherine, for standing up. I know your new blog will be an inspiration and a joy and I'll be there with you.
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