I would have liked to have been on
Cielo's garden tour, but it was one day- yesterday, the first day of summer. Even though I'm late, I'll show a few flowers around our house. I wish I had a yellow rose arbor to show you, but I don't! I do have an arbor and it is loaded with bouganvillia. Below is our courtyard where the arbor is, it is beside our front entryway.

Below is a picture of the courtyard before it grew to be so full and lush. This is the only picture I have of it now.

Look to the left of the picture above and you will see our alamanda plant. Below is a close-up of the beautiful yellow trumpet alamanda flowers on the bush. Sometimes this bush wants to grow as tall as the house, we have to keep it trimmed back.

In Florida, almost everyone has a hibiscus bush. Ours is pink. They come in red, yellow, pink, salmon, white, and maybe other colors.

Our hibiscus bush blooms year round. It also thinks it is a tree, and tries to grow to the top of the house! We have to keep it trimmed back as well.

In our backyard we have a magnolia tree. It is beside the lake. We wish it would grow taller!

Below is my special orchid, it isn't in a garden, it's on the back porch. It now has 23 blooms on it!! Orchids blooms stay about three months. I've never had one with this many blooms on it before.

I hope you enjoyed seeing a few of the flowers around our house. I had to make do with the photos since my camera isn't working.
We also have four fuschia colored crepe myrtle trees that are blooming now, but I don't have a camera to take a picture of them. I guess my old pictures of them must have been on the old computer that crashed!
I hope you enjoyed seeing a few of my flowers around our house! For other beautiful gardens, go to
Cielo's House In The Roses blog!Katherine
Hi Katherine thanks for sharing your beautiful garden with us.
I love the arbour.
Sorry, Katherine, I deleted the above, because I published without previewing and made a mistake. Your flowers are just beautiful. Magnolia trees usually get pretty big. Maybe they just grow slowly.
Glad you are home. Missed seeing your posts! Your orchid is unbelievable! Wow! I love bougainvilla and have a baby starting, but my hubby hates to trim them! But, there is nothing prettier and remind me of Hawaii!
Hi, Kathie... such lovely garden you have... I'm so sorry I didn't get to add you to our garden list, and what a nice thing you'd done to share your sancturary with everyone visiting.... hope you can participate next time.
Katherine, Your flowers are lovely! I can't believe the bouganvillia growing on the arbor, that is amazing! I had two in pots that got pretty large last year. I bought them in over the winter and they lost a lot of leaves, but are coming back quite nicely. They are slow about blooming though. They can't take our winters outside in NC! Your orchid is beautiful, too.
I will keep you and your husband in my prayers, and am hoping that the test is negative!
Hugs, Rhonda ;)
Katherine -
You have very pretty & cheery flowers and glad you are back blogging!
As for your camera if you really need a camera in a pinch the disposables take pretty good pictures and you can have a disk made to use on the computer-- Just an idea!!! :o)
Glad you are back! Karyl
Oh, my, the orchid is amazing! I wonder if it has a scent. I love seeing your flowers, so different from the ones we have here in the North.
Wow, thanks! Your garden is gorgeous.
Awesome!! Worth the wait! Thx!!
M ^..^
Oh, such pretty flowers. I love your arbor and the magnolia is beautiful. I would love to have one.
Thanks for taking us on a tour of your garden. I certainly enjoyed it.
I love your flowers especially on your arbor!
Oh my goodness! I looked at the pictures before I read the post and I thought you had taken them at a botannical garden or something. This is your house??!! WOW! That courtyard is breathtaking!
I really did enjoy seeing all the flowers around your house! Your blog is really enjoyable.
Mary Ann
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