After enjoying seeing all the beautiful shell displays Lallee
http://lalleescottage.blogspot.com/ shared Friday, I thought I would share my shells. Now I have lived in Florida 41 years and haven't taken advantage of shell seeking very much. Oh, when the children were small we collected them at the beach, but I never did anything much with them, and don't have any now to speak of. I think there may be a big conch shell on the back porch. Anyway, with tongue in cheek I share with you my shells -- glass shells!!
Here they are displayed on a dark cloth to see if they show up better.
P.S. Lallee and I are friends! We met on the internet, and she has visited me twice. The second time we had a little tea party! She lives on the west coast of Florida and I live on the east coast of FL. I wish we were closer and could visit more often. Maybe we could even go shell seeking together!
I still think that is an amazing collection...
Those are beautiful!! Where did you get those?!
Thank you Christina and Becca for your comments! I bought the glass shells at a gift shop at Cocoa Beach about ten years ago!
Oh, those are just lovely and beautifully displayed!
Ooh..those are so pretty! I love the pink ones!
Oh I love the pink ones in the daity pink dish!!
Those are pretty! I would collect those, too ;-) Wouldn't it be fun if we DID go shell seeking together? And since you don't collect them, I could keep them ALL, right???? LOL
Your shells are beautiful. Where do you normally display them?
How very pretty! I have never seen glass shells like this before...
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