
Finally, a new scarecrow!

I hadn't seen any new and different scarecrows until recently. I was at Walgreen's and found this little cutie, a pumpkin scarecrow! It was on sale half-priced, for $2.98, so I bought it.

I forgot to show these triplet scarecrows, this sign is hanging on our back porch, and I forgot to photograph them until today. I think they are so cute!

Below is another scarecrow I didn't show you. He is on a wagon.

He is in the scarecrow display I have on top of the family room TV armoire, along with this little
rag doll scarecrow, below. To see the rest of the scarecrows, go to the next two posts.
I hope you are enjoying this beautiful fall day. We are having our first cold front here in FL! High 60s and low 40s! Brrrr!

Thank you for your interest, it is so appreciated. Please leave a comment, and please do return soon!



Alice said...

Oh, how cute. Each one brings a smile to my face. I especially like the little guy on the wagon. He has such a sweet look.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Hi Katherine....I have missed talking with you. I KNOW we have a lot in common....I have to clean out my card file before I get a picture of the chandelier...but I LOVE it! We had it for a while but he needed to get an electrician to run the electrical. Your new scarecrows are really cute. I got a new figurine....can't wait to show...maybe show and tell.

nanatrish said...

Your little scarecrows are adorable. I'm here by way of Maree. She is a sweetheart and I trust her judgement. So here I am. I will be back. Neat blog!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the triplet scarecrows, so darling also the pumpkin scarecrow.

Thanks for sharing.


~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Adorable little fellas; I especially like your newest addition!

Anonymous said...

What cute little guys.
Like you I didn't watch Obama's infomercial either. I was watching Fox News too. Fox and a few talk show hosts are helping to keep me sane. I'll be glad when the election is over. Sounds like you are certainly doing your part to make sure the right man is elected.
Keep praying and I will too.