
Christmas magazines

Do all of you love Christmas mags as much as I do!! I just can't resist buying them! I save them too, from year to year!! I love to get out the old ones and browse through them each year. I love the recipes and dream of trying lots of new recipes, then usually end up using the same ole traditional recipes!

I do like to use the new ideas for Christmas decorating each year. I also have several hardback Christmas books that I look at each year, some are Victoria, Southern Living, Country Living, etc. Maybe I'll show those after Thanksgiving. I just wanted to share the ones I have bought so far this year. I subscribe to some, and even bought a couple on sale (40% off at Hobby Lobby!) Do you have any other Christmas mags you recommend to buy this year?
My husband teases me about buying so many magazines! I tell him they are my "cigarettes!!" He used to buy his first wife cigarettes, now he has to buy me magazines! (Wink!)

Thank you for your interest, if you leave a comment, I'll reply! Please do return soon!



Alison Gibbs said...

I love magazines too. They are addictive. I have them stashed all over the place. Last year I went through a feww boxes of magazines and decided to cut or pull out what I really wanted to keep and would use. That helped a bit. I guess there are only so many magazines you can keep in one house.

kari and kijsa said...

You are so clever....we would never even have thought of using the coupon there!!! Brilliant!!!

We will be checking back to see your Christmas decorating ideas!

smiles, kari and kijsa

Mary said...

These look like lovely magazines. I haven't been out lately, so I haven't seen any of the Christmas magazines. There is a country one that I enjoy. I can only get it at a store that is a half hour away. I think I mentioned it in a previous post of yours. If I manage to get my hands on one, I will post a photo.

Thanks for sharing. I must get to that store to browse the shelves of magazines.


~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

You know I love my Christmas magazines! I have the Paula Deen one (the one w/her two boys on the cover); also the Victoria. Haven't seen the Tea Time one yet; sometimes that one's hard to find around here.
Like you, I also love getting out my Christmas issues from years past.

Carrie said...

Would you believe my Nov. 7 post is also on Christmas magazines? When I first saw the photo above of your magazines, I had to blink twice. So far this year I haven't started looking for any to buy, but there is still time!

Carrie said...

Interesting trivia.

Alice said...

I also have a Christmas magazine addiction. And what's worse is that I save many of them from year to year. Southern Living puts out a hardback Christmas book every year, full of decorating and food. I believe they come to me automatically now, something I must have signed up for years ago.

Have you noticed some of the prices though? The Paula I bought yesterday was $5.99, I believe. Another one on appetizers was $8.99. It's good I don't look at prices until after I get home. :)

Kelli said...

It looks like you have a wonderful bunch of Christmas magazines there, Katherine! I'm the same way, I like to read through my back issues!
P.s. Show and tell will continue next week. I'll just have two Mr. Linky's. :0)