
Wednesday's - "Worth a thousand Words"

It's been a long time since I've posted "Worth a thousand Words" on a Wednesday. I can't seem to do "Wordless Wednesday" because I just have to say a bunch of words about these photos! This is not a new photo, it was in my photo files. It is my grandson, Caden, at two days old when his little cousin came to visit him in the hospital!

Maybe you are wondering why I'm not sharing a new photo taken with our new camera? Well, it has been raining a lot all afternoon. Later I went outside to look for something with raindrops on it, but didn't have any success. There was lots of raindrops, but nothing suitable! I do have an idea of something to share later tonight, after I have my camera lesson, and practice on a certain subject. Thanks to all of you who have given me a lot of encouragement about the camera!

Since I still have a lot of interest in scrapbooking, I'll continue to share about my simple style.

A short mini lesson on scrapbooking: I found this picture in my photo files and thought I would share it with you. I'm sorry I don't have a larger picture so you could enlarge it for details. On the left page of the album I have drawn on a "journal box" and have written inside it about the little hand-knitted dress and booties made for our granddaughter by her other grandmother. I took a closeup picture of the dress and the booties, then cut them out. I placed the cut-out dress at the bottom of the journal box for decoration. I placed the booties (they look like Mary Jane shoes and socks) below the journal box, then drew a "string" from both, and tied a "bow" onto the journal box to make it look like they are tied to the frame and dangling down. A second way to do this is to use a piece of paper for the journal box (instead of drawing it on) punch a hole with a hole-puncher, at the corner of the paper journal box, then draw the string to look like it is tied onto the paper journal box, going through the hole and tied. I've used this on several things, you can also use stickers that are dangling down. Once I used ice skate stickers like this, and another time I did saddle oxford shoes stickers like this (on a 50s page I did for our reunion.) You could also use mitten stickers, toy stickers, tree ornament stickers, etc.
Here's another tip (today is a two-for-one sale!!) I cut out several sizes of thin cardboard to use for templates for my journal boxes. I just draw around them with a journaling pen to make squares or rectangles. Then I use a ruler to make pencil lines inside the box to journal on. When I finish journaling, I erase the pencil lines, and, voila! straight handwriting! (The only way I can do it!)

I hope this will inspire you to start your scrapbooking! It's not as hard as you may think!

P.S. - These grandbabies will be two years old next month!

1 comment:

Lallee said...

That's a precious photo, Katherine. I appreciate the scrapbook tips. I loved the booty idea.
