
Show and Tell

Time for Kelli's Show and Tell, go here for lots more fun!

I have received more great mail from some of my blogger friends! The adorable little bear above arrived here in Florida all the way from Canada! I hope she likes the drastic change of weather! She came from "Sweet" Pea, Peascorner, click here. If you haven't seen Pea's blog, you must check her out, it is delightful! She saw my bear collection a few weeks ago on Show and Tell and thought her little tea time bear needed to move here to be with my other bears! Isn't that so sweet, what a kind lady to share! She also collects fairies, and she has a beautiful new grandbaby girl!

Look at that tiny little tea cup!

And look at that string of pearls, and small umbrella! How cute is that?!

This little bear isn't the only special delivery mail I've had, just today I received the book, below,
in the mail! My name was chosen to receive this free book from Clif's blog, Musings of a Minister. Clif is a retired minister who reviews Christian books, among other interesting things on his blog! Check him out here! I enjoy reading his musings daily!

I have been MIA this week due to a very bad intestional virus I had right after we returned from our spring break. It was awful!!!! I'm still having trouble getting back to normal, very weak and not eating. Have you ever tried the stomach remedy "B.R.A.T." I did this and it helps some. The acronym stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. My 92-year-old friend, Emma, told me about this. I also have to eat yogurt as well. If you get sick try Emma's remedy.

Have a happy day!
God Bless.



Jadehollow said...

Katherine.. She's Beautiful! That lil teacup is just too precious.. what a wonderful friend you have in Sweet Pea. Thanks for sharing.
Have a Great Weekend.

Jadehollow said...

Katherine.. Thank You for the frame advice! That's a great idea .. and one I didn't even think to do. Isn't it funny how your mind just skips over the simple solutions.
Thanks again.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Love your bear. I have one really similar! Get all better!

CarJax said...

Katherine, what an adorable bear and such a nice gift! And a book gifted to you as well. You are blessed. I love bears and books. Thanks for sharing and I'm glad you're feeling better. That stuff is no fun. Blessings, Jax

playsdolls said...

What wonderful gifts.

Secondhand Blessings said...

Cute teddy bear, I like all the little details like the small teacup & the string of pearls.
Have a nice weekend.

Hootin Anni said...

How sweet is this?!!! I love it. And I love Pea too. She's a darling lady and always so generous.

My show n tell is all about afghans this week. Do stop by if you get a chance. Happy Friday.

A Hint of Home said...

Joe told Tom that you got sick when you got home. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Glad you are feeling better.
The bear is so sweet. Blogging friends are so great!

SmilingSally said...

Isn't Blogland great. You get two nice things in the mail. Cliff and his wife, Charlotte, are blogging friends of mine too. BTW: I'm hosting a giveaway now too! Here's my post:

Jules said...

How sweet of your bloggy friend! Your bear is very cute.

Linda C said...

Katherine, your new little bear is so cute! I'm sure that you have just the right place for her:)

Sorry to hear of your being sick. Glad to hear you're on the mend!

Our pediatrician used to recommend the BRAT diet for my children when they had a problem.

We've always had fun with the name- what? are you calling my little angel a brat?! That was when we lived in Tennessee.

When we moved back up to Wisconsin- a brat diet didn't sound so bad:) We love our brats and cheese up here!

But seriously, I found that the BRAT diet was easy on their digestion process and they were soon better:)

Happy Friday!

Linda C

Nanna said...

what a sweet gift, those just because gifts are always best

Kathy said...

What a precious little bear, Katherine!

Alice said...

your remedy sounds interesting :O) i'm glad it seems to be helping. i hope you'll be feeling chipper and stronger real soon.

i love your little addition to your bear family. that was really sweet of pea to send her to you. she's so cute! thanks for sharing her with us!

There is always room for you in The Shadow of the Cross. Feel free to visit anytime.

Pam said...

What an adorable little bear. I hope you feel much better soon.

Susie said...

The bear is an adorable gift from Sweet Pea. Her heart is just among the most generous in blogland.
So sorry you haven't been feeling your best. I remember that diet from my kids and grandkids.
Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure your other bears made this one feel right at home.
Mama Bear