
Show and Tell - My Baby Shoes

I enjoy participating in Kelli's Show and Tell even though I can't weekly. Go to Kelli's blog to see many other Show and Tell items:

These baby shoes were my own! My mother gave these to me after I was grown and had my own family. She wrapped them up as one of my Chirstmas gifts. She also gave me a "real" gift in a bigger box. I was thrilled to receive my baby shoes and have since displayed them in my house decor. By the way, I don't even remember what the "real gift" was that she gave me!

Recently I have displayed the shoes under glass on the coffee table in the living room.


Anonymous said...

How sweet to have your baby shoes. Blessings...

Carole Burant said...

Not only is it wonderful to have your baby shoes but I love the way you display them, such a great idea!! xo

Anonymous said...

Get out!!! I can not believe that you still have them. Kelli still has her dresses. I think that I have a touch of envy.
THanks for sharing!!!

Susan said...

I think memories speak loud and clear when you can't remember the "gift" and yet treasure these. Lovely and how very special.

Lallee said...

This is beautiful how you have these displayed. I would cherish these and probably forget what the other gift was, too.

Unknown said...

Thank you for dropping by my blog. I am sorry for the delay in getting to yours. Busy-ness and then it is Sunday morning here and I have been at church. I love the baby shoes and your clever way of displaying them. Charming. Aren't we human beans funny things - once so tiny, now so big.

Blessings and bliss

Lynne said...

That's really something that you still have your baby shoes. And so nicely displayed.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and your sweet comments.

Kelli said...

Those are just precious! I love how you have them displayed!

Alice said...

How wonderful that your mother kept the baby shoes for you and then presented them as a special gift. The shoes really are a reflection of your mother's love.

Reviekat said...

How sweet that you still have your baby shoes! They make such a lovely display. :)

Lady of the house said...

Precious, and what an ingenious way to display them.

inspired said...

fascinating absolutly ;o]