We traveled 3005 miles, over 13 states, in 19 days. Gas cost $482! We are very thankful the price of gas was under four dollars everywhere we went!
We are now on our knees again, praying for protection from the tropical storm Fay! She is predicted to hit Flagler County, which is where we live in FL!! She has done a lot of damage all the way up Florida! The lake behind us is already full! We haven't had to do much preparation since my husband took all the furniture, and everything else off the back porch before we left in case a hurricane came through while we were gone.
Thank you for your comments while we were gone. We couldn't access the net while we were at the time share condo in the Poconos, and at some of the motels.
I hope we don't lose power when the storm comes through, I'll try to keep in touch. I hope to tell you about our wonderful trip. We went to both grandbabies 2nd birthday parties, one in SC, one in TN. Other states we were in was: GA, NC, VA, DC, MD, DE, NJ, NY, PA, WV.
I'm looking forward to getting back to normal, with blogging, reading your blogs, etc!
Glad you are both home safely. Missed you! We just got in today.
I am happy to know that you have arrived home safely, but concerned about Fay. Will keep you in my prayers.
I'm so glad you are home. I've missed you. I will definitely keep you in my prayers that Fay does not do too much damage. I saw lots of video this morning on all the flooding. For a "small" hurricane, it certainly is doing a lot of damage.
Welcome home, Katherine! I am praying that Fay turns the other way!
I am so glad you arrived home safely and that you had a wonderful time. How nice that you were able to be with both of your grandbabies for their birthdays. That's wonderful news.
I am looking forward to seeing LOTS of photos of your trip and hearing all about it.
I will be praying that Fay doesn't do much damage in your area and that everyone is safe.
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