Inspiration for this Tree Tea Party comes from my Old Country Roses "Seasons of Color" plates. This plate design is a OCR Topiary Tree.

Thanks to Susan for hosting Tablescape Thursdays weekly! Go
here for lots more inspiration.

I have a tea time tree in the dining room with many small tea cups, tea pots, etc. on it, so this tree is also inspiration for the tree tea party.

I have a Tea Room Village set up in the dining room as well:

What better time for a tea party than right after Christmas, tea parties are very relaxing!

I used this large gold mercury glass vase for the centerpiece,
filling it with red and yellow silk roses.

The gold doesn't show up well since the reflection from the tablecloth is on it!
The two shoes filled with roses are candles!

Each place setting has a gold charger, Old Country Roses plate, and a Seasons of Color salad plate, an Old Country Roses tea cup and crystal water goblet.

The napkins have pink and red roses similar to the OCR rose pattern on the dishes.

My Old Country Roses tea pot serves Holiday Tea to the guests

Won't you join us for tea?

Where would you like to sit?

I had planned to show close-ups of the mini ornaments on the tree, and close-ups of the Tea Room village, plus some of my other small tea rooms and mini tea sets, but I ran out of time!

My husband and I spent the afternoon and evening on a fun date, first we went to the movies and saw "Blind Side." We highly recommend you see this movie, it is wonderful! Very inspiring!
After the movie he took me to Hobby Lobby! Then we went to Applebee's for the "Two for Twenty" special! A very enjoyable time together (to see my sweet hubby, scroll down to the next message!)
It was 9:30 when we got home and I still had to load the tea party pictures, etc. This is why I'm "late" posting, and why I decided to omit the close-up pictures. I will post them this weekend if you would like to return to see them.

I hope you enjoyed my Old Country Roses Topiary Tree Tea Party!
Have a Happy New Year!
God Bless.