
New Vignettes

I'm joining Marty's Table Top Tuesday today. Thanks, Marty for hosting so we can share. Click on her name for lots more fun!
I'm slowly getting my tabletops done after taking away the Christmas decorations. (Note, the key word here is slowly!!)

The pretty bird is left over from Christmas. I decided I like it so much I would use it year round instead of just for Christmas. I bought it at Hobby Lobby before Christmas at half price.

This vase also came from Hobby Lobby, but the wire tray behind it was from T.J. Maxx, both were very inexpensive!
This vignette is on the end table beside the settee in the living room.
I'm enjoying it!

Another tabletop is in our family room, on top of my large curio cabinet.

Last year I used this gold mercury glass bowl in front of the wire tray, but wanted a change.
It goes nicely with this candlestick and little bird:

Two new vignettes, but using other things used in the past, only in a different way.

I'll tell you a little secret - I had another vase of flowers here, but last week I decided to use it as the centerpiece for the tablescape I did! Click here to see that vase!

I hope you enjoyed seeing my newest vignettes!

I need to get busy and create more table tops! Anybody else having a hard time getting new tabletops done? I've even "lost" a few things that I put away before Christmas! Anybody else do that? I know they are here somewhere, I just need to find them! LOL!

I'm also linking to Kathy, A Delightsome Life, Home and Garden party, click on her name for lots of inspiration!



Tardevil said...

If it makes you feel any better, I lost a Christmas present for my daughter, and I still haven't found it. And, I still have a few more Christmas decorations to put away, so I'm still working on winter vignettes, too. Yours look good!
Happy New Year!

Treva said...

Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I just started blogging and it's so nice to hear that someone likes my post. Love your blog!:)

Susan said...

Nice as always.

Anonymous said...

Everything looks so pretty!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh Katherine I just love looking at your posts and pictures! What a gifted and blessed lady you are!

Heather said...

Hi, my name is Heather! Please email me when you can, I have a question about your blog!


Carole Burant said...

Both of your vignettes look beautiful but then that doesn't surprise me:-) You have such a flair for decorating!! Oh yes, I do that too, after Christmas there are so many things I can't remember where I put them! lol xoxo

Tardevil said...

Hi, just came back by to answer. I would like to blog again, and I had planned to at Christmas, but my scanner went out, and I didn't get to finish my post for Debbie's Copycat Challenge. But usually, I can't keep the house picked up enough w/ a 2 yr old and teenager, to snap a decent picture. :o) So, for now I just hop around and visit when I can. Maybe one day, I will be able to post again.

Kathy said...

Katherine! this is lovely! I love finding beautiful things at TJMaxx and Hobby Lobby! It is probably a good thing they're so far away - I'd be over there too often! Love the bird, the book - well all of it! Thank you for sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
God Bless,

A Hint of Home said...

Your vignettes are very pretty!
I laughed when I read you lost some things. Not that's it's funny but I can't find some glass fruit anywhere. I've looked in many of my tubs and still can't find them.
Have a great weekend!

Debbie said...

They are both pretty. I think I have the twin to that drop leaf table of yours. I love the way you leave it with one side up and one down. I'm just like you in that I seem to have misplaced some things that I put away for Christmas. In fact, I for a while there, I was short of dish towels because I had put all the ones that were not plain white away to make room for some Christmas ones and couldn't remember where I had put them.

Unknown said...

Your vignettes are very pretty.

Anonymous said...

Hi Katherine! Oh, I hope you'll share the recipe for the okra patties. That sounds so good! :)
I do love fried okra! :)
Thanks for popping in.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Unknown said...

Love the red heart! Thanks for stopping in JoAnn