
Blue Monday

It's Monday, let's all go here to Smiling Sally's Blue Monday and see lots of pretty blue things!

Today I'm sharing a special Wedgewood blue plate. My mother-in-law gave it to me when her son and I became engaged back in the 60s! I had never heard of Wedgewood, but loved the color and style.

The latest issue of Victoria is their special blue and white issue. I always enjoy their blue and white issues.

This issue has a large variety of blue items, even food!

Also in this issue there's a big article about Wedgewood china

Including Wedgewood pieces similar to my Wedgewood plate!

It is interesting to read the history of Wedgewood.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my blue Wedgewood. Do you have any blue Wedgewood? I think it is so pretty!

Have a happy day, don't be "blue!"
God Bless.



Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Love the Wedgwood plates!Happy Blue Monday ~ Susan

Valerie said...

Before I read down thru your post, I was just thinking, "Ooooh, she really needs to see the latest issue of Victoria magazine." So beautiful to look out. I have no Wedgewood so I must just admire yours!

Blessingst to you from Kansas,

Bridget said...

I never appreciated Wedgewood when I was young but I love it now. Sadly, I do not own any.

Fifi Flowers said...

I do not have any Wedgewood... sigh... your plate is GREAT!

SmilingSally said...

Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

Please remember to leave a comment.

Joyce said...

So pretty. Yes I do have one piece but it the tall white vase with the blue flowers. I received it as a wedding gift 36 years ago. I use it often when I buy some very tall flowers. It always looks so elegant. Someone told me that shortly after I received it they broke the mold and that is why it is so rare to even find a piece in the white glaze these days. Not sure if that info is correct? It's a keeper no matter what because it is so pretty. Thanks for sharing.

Knitty said...

I bought that issue just for the blues. That was a great article on Wedgewood.
Your plate is gorgeous.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Very nice post Katherine. How nice that you have such a similar piece!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty and a wonderful gift.

I was teasing about the drink. I knew you were too far away. I will wait until Thursday to celebrate, maybe I'll try a leaning belinni. Honey Bear took me out to J Alexander's on Thursday night since we wouldn't be together this week. Too bad all my blogging buddies live elsewhere. What a party that would be!
Mama Bear

Barb said...

Hi Katherine, love your Wedgewood plates.

Happy Blue Monday.


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Your plate is just gorgeous. I am always so fascinated everytime I see the Wedgewood Blue. Everything is just gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Katherine,
Your Wedgewood plate is beautiful! I used to sell it in a jewelery store at one time. It is such a perfect shade of blue. Thanks for sharing and Happy Blue Monday.


Carole Burant said...

Your Wedgwood plate is just gorgeous! At the weekly auctions I go to, they always have a few pieces of Wedgwood up for bids and people really go after it, they're quite the collectables. I just bought the latest Bliss Victoria as well and have been drooling over every page! lol xoxo

Becky K. said...

I don't have wedgewood but I would love to collect it. Your plate is lovely!

Terry said...

Oh how I love your post today,your Wedgewood plate is so beautiful.
Thank you for all the fabulous photos,Victoria is a favorite of mine. I want to thank you for a delightful Blue Monday post.
I'm so glad I stopped by to visit.
Happy Blue Monday.
Blessings of joy to you.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Beautiful Wedgewood plate! I also had one from my MIL, but it matched my mother's bedroom so perfectly that I gave it to her!

BTW, I love your blog header pic!

Angelic Accents

Cathy said...

A beautiful plate, Katherine ~

Musings of A Minister said...

Great pictures. Charlotte also subscribes to Victoria magazine. I remember seeing this one in our family room.